Metal: A Headbanger's Journey Documentary

Balls McHoolihan

You mean coitus?
Jan 22, 2012
Has any one seen this documentary by Sam Dunn? I recently watched it and thought it was put together really well. It brought up some great points and had some great interviews/comments about metal. It a film that people who don't understand metal and its culture can watch and actually understand, to a point, where metalheads are coming from.
He's looking to make an "Extreme Metal" chapter to it, if I'm thinking of the right thing.
Own it on DVD as well. Best fucking doc ever. Everytime I watch it I just feel like going out drinking at some underground club and bang heads with some fellow metalheads.

Definitly needs a more detailed extreme metal chapter though. I fucking love his Gaahl interview in the original doc!

Satan :Smokedev:
That's funny, I remember when this movie came out, it seemed like a lot of internet tough guys (this forum included) derided this movie as a complete pile of shit. I liked it however, and I do hope that the extreme metal chapter gets made.
I've seen it numerous times and I show it to all my metal buddies. Definitely a great documentary. Entertaining and informative, with stuff for both newcomers and diehard metalheads. Also some fucking great interviews, like the ones with Gaahl and Mayhem.

Metal Evolution was a solid series, but I felt it was sorely lacking, obviously due to network intervention. Given that the most relevant things happening in metal today are mostly in extreme metal territory, it's absolutely ridiculous to completely shaft it like that in favor of episodes on grunge and such. I'm sure they felt the same way, and I hope he can make another documentary about more extreme metal with the same production values.

His Iron Maiden tour documentary Flight 666 is great. People should totally watch that.
It's definitely just for Maiden diehards, and I think you kinda have to have seen them live to truly get it.
Any other good metal doco's that people can recommend?

Are there any death metal docos? I know there are a couple of black metal ones out.. there was one released recently that was pretty good - forget the name.
There are some old ones that you can find on youtube, though I don't recall the name.

If you like Iron Maiden, the documentary on The Early Years DVD or whatever it's called is very well done. The documentary on At the Gates' The Flames of the End is also good, though not great.
"Until the Light Takes Us". It focuses mostly on Frost, Fenriz, and Varg, but it's DAMN well done.