Metal: A Headbanger's Journey...

haven't seen it yet but it's fully available somewhere on google video if I'm not mistaken

Slipknot is part of the metal scene for youngsters since a few years now, they'd better include them. It's how I got into metal anyway
Its average. The dude on it is a complete loser.

No. Also that was a pointless comment.

haven't seen it yet but it's fully available somewhere on google video if I'm not mistaken

Slipknot is part of the metal scene for youngsters since a few years now, they'd better include them. It's how I got into metal anyway

Yes, I would rather see a 15 year old wearing a slipknot shirt then 36 year old wearing a madien shirt.

maybe he hates Iron *Maiden and figures there is still hope for a teenager in a slipknot shirt and none left for the adult who still likes shitty music.

except IM is good, and if it weren't for them, a lot of good metal bands wouldn't exist.
maybe he hates Iron *Maiden and figures there is still hope for a teenager in a slipknot shirt and none left for the adult who still likes shitty music.

except IM is good, and if it weren't for them, a lot of good metal bands wouldn't exist.

yeah and a lot of crappy ones wouldn't exist, either. which is a good thing. that being said, I don't mind Maiden, but they inspired a lot of shitty bands.
I did thoroughly enjoy this part. I'm glad its available for streaming now, I need to show a few of my friends this to get some things through their thick skulls.

My favorite part had to be where Dee Snider (Twisted Sister) was interviewed about his involvement in the PMRC and how he basically ripped those pricks a new one.
My favorite part had to be where Dee Snider (Twisted Sister) was interviewed about his involvement in the PMRC and how he basically ripped those pricks a new one.


Shit like that makes me proud to be a metalhead. I honestly think the genre contains some of the most well-spoken musicians in the world (along with some of the least). :rolleyes: