Metal Addiction in Sweden...

I'm very surprised that didn't happen in the U.S. Shocked, even.
But then again, if someone in the U.S. managed a similar result, it would be from rap addiction.
What a loser. Somebody needs to slap him in the face and tell him to get a life (outside of metal)

It's idiotic that anyone would point that out as a disability, for God's sake it is just music! He shouldn't get any financial benefits for listening to metal. That guy is, as Lothlorien said, "[A] waste of life."
Oh, yes, you're right. Addiction to god, that must be a disability.
It's called religion. That's why Jewish people are allowed to refuse to work on Saturdays. Not really a disability, but companies have to respect the traditions of the employee's culture.
It's not him that's fucked up, it's the so called "psychological analysis" and state welfare system. He's pretty clever to think of benefiting from it. Why can't the state recognise that people are different, for better or worse? He's not going to perish from his 'addiction', so who gives a shit?

Besides, it's better than gambling or drugs.
It's called religion. That's why Jewish people are allowed to refuse to work on Saturdays. Not really a disability, but companies have to respect the traditions of the employee's culture.

Companies dont HAVE to respect religion or culture practicies, they CHOOSE to do so for image reasons etc.
wow....just wow.....u can call it stupid or genious....but its rather disturbing.....whats next taxpaers paying for fat ppl surgeries..!!!!........I dont know.....i mena ppl get in trouble and tehn they expect teh govemernmrt to pay for them....all the while sayin o I dont want gubment in my life...!!!...coem on make up ure stupid minds...!!!!....PEAC EOUT