Metal as a NEW religion

thats awesome! Everyone should do that. Its not really about religion per se but the fact people will sign up and its officially recognised. How can this not be a cool thing?!
and Lemmy spake: "We (Don't Need) Religion ... "

Even God make mistakes :p

@ Wyvern LOL!! Great post buddy. However for now I remain an atheist. ;)

I think myself as a mix of deistic and agnostic :lol:

For one thing, I doubt most listeners expect the supernatural.

You do! On every Queensryche and Fredrik Nordstrom produced album :heh:

I just have an epiphany! If donate to a religion can be tax deductible (in some countries), can we deduct the amount on CDs, downloads, concert tickets and merchandise purchased? :loco:
I just have an epiphany! If donate to a religion can be tax deductible (in some countries), can we deduct the amount on CDs, downloads, concert tickets and merchandise purchased? :loco:

:headbang: :lol: You are on a roll!! knew I would do this jejeje :p:p:p

I will not worship your deity!!:heh::heh::heh:

I was expecting you JUDAS!, the conundrum now is that I don't know what prayer to say, Iron Maiden - 'Judas Be My Guide' or Lion's Share - 'Judas Must Die' :saint:

...hmm, or maybe Motorhead -'Traitor' :lol:
I think a really interesting study would be to find the level of religiosity among metal fans (and musicians) as compared to other genres. I know in the Pop-Punk scene (ie. Blink 182), for example, it seems to me that fans of that music are far more likely to be religious than metalheads.
I just have an epiphany! If donate to a religion can be tax deductible (in some countries), can we deduct the amount on CDs, downloads, concert tickets and merchandise purchased?


You know, that reminds me of a favorite Bill Maher quote: "If churches can claim tax exemption then they can't call the fire department"

You do! On every Queensryche and Fredrik Nordstrom produced album :heh:

Well, these days with Ryche I just go in thinking "it's something new and can't possibly measure up to Mindcrime"

In the case of Nordstrom's productions, okay I'll bite, he really is divine. :saint:
Interesting... but ridiculous. Metal is a social movement and has no semblance to religion. The very fact that there was also a movement to make Jedi a religion just shows that the whole thing is a joke.
Interesting... but ridiculous. Metal is a social movement and has no semblance to religion. The very fact that there was also a movement to make Jedi a religion just shows that the whole thing is a joke.

Yes, but all we really lack is a formal deity. I mean think about it, metal has the following:

  1. [*]Hymns: check.
    [*]Uniforms: check.
    [*]Holy Book: check [David Konow's the Rise and Fall of Heavy Metal or IAn Christe's Sound of the Beast do nicely)
    [*]Blind faith: to a degree (I'll buy anything Dream Evil puts out for example)
    [*]Figurehead: check (Lemmy)
    [*]Iconography: check.
    [*]Members willing to kill in the name of: Depends (do the Gothenburg church burnings count? Plus, think of all the songs that mention "Die for metal" - hell, that's like half of Dream Evil's catalog and the first Metallica record!)