Metal bands that create insane-like laughter.

Naku ist krig

Active Member
Jan 16, 2002
I guess I´m not only one that consideres some metal bands funny and some are pathetic (and they make laugh).
For me thatkind of bands are:

- Recording level of their songs (all except newest album)

- Their vocalist sounds like under-10-years-child who is plunging his penis into keyhole.

- English lyrics are like crippled cow which is dying, slowly and is desperatly trying to find last piece broken mirror.
(Sounds like shit?)
Example of their lyrics (remembering):
Nazarene, nazarene bastard son of god
Crucifix, crucifix stucked into his ass
NOTE: These aren´t correct, Ormir can correct them.

*Enochian Crescent
- Vocalist sounds like the singer of Horna
Which is bad thing.

And maybe I continue some other day.
one thing that really stands out are charon's lyrics.

lower your head and take this in the body:

you are the saviour
without a saviour's crown
till night is falling
it brings you down to sigh

i adore your blessing
there is not much to say
[yeah, right ;)]
i'll become your reason
to feed the flame inside our hearts

you're all desire
you're all desire i haunt
beat my heart
beat my heart to dry

craving, haunting the ceased devotion
she's the one for me
the cross i beg to see the path
when i don't want to stay

maybe if we shut our eyes it will go away.

This band...can't remember what they're called....Black Calmness? Something like that...can't help but snigger when they start to play ;)
Seriously, I just wanted to add Slipknot to this list...actually, there are one or two song I do like ('My Plague'), but they take the hate thing beyond being a gimmick...stone sour and murder dolls are much better.
Originally posted by solefald

damn rednecks with a pseudoevil attitude and some of them seem to have a faible for nazishit

I think Hanneman collects Nazi era stuff, but that doesn't necessarily imply he agrees w/ Nazism.. look at it this way, if the dude hated nonwhites would he subject himself to playing with two of them? (Araya and Lombardo)
have you guys ever heard of this Black Metal thing?? ;) :p
Immortal, Dark Funeral, Satyricon, Emperor, etc you got the point huh???

fathervic (blood, steel, and mom's makeup :lol: )
Cradle of Filth!!! and this terrible serial-killer oriented death metal band, macabre (although i think they at least are trying to be a little funny)... all standard americanstyle death metal is laughably bad

hey, lay off hammerfall -- hammerfall is all about the positivity and love and being a heavy metal warrior and, well, thats just beautiful... plust they have oscar, and he looks like a mantis, and he has brilliant onstage guitar antics. sonic prozac!!!

i have these friends that have an absolutely terrible band with songs on would it be too evil too suggest that people go to laugh at them? i dont want to be too evil
nah, pal...Manowar were cool when I couldn't understand English properly...and when there wasn't much any other thing to listen to apart from Maiden and Metallica and few decent things else...
but nowadays (even though I still enjoy the old records, for the love I had to them back then) I think it's impossible to take Manowar as a serious band, and they have become a bit of a funny thing. I mean, their last album has so many swords, stell, in the sky, mighty and glory that it's horribly hilarious!!!!

besides, Black Metal, it's just Manowar with make up and a grinded throat singing...

fathervic (defender)
My choices are Linkin Park, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, Murderdolls, and any of those rap-metal bands.

Alternative-metal bands like Chevelle, Kittens, and others (there are a lot of them in Canada) are funny to me also.