Metal Bush


From the bloodstock forum
:lol: Oh nooooes, that born-again fuckhead is doing the horns! :lol:

[edit] And in Norway at that! I'm wondering what all the true-black-metal dudes over there will think of that...? :lol:
He turns more stupid every day!
When the end of the world comes (that's not gonna be long from now) it's his fault!

PS: God help us, Bush is coming to Belgium!
SR~VE said:
:lol: Oh nooooes, that born-again fuckhead is doing the horns! :lol:

[edit] And in Norway at that! I'm wondering what all the true-black-metal dudes over there will think of that...? :lol:

When a Norwegian skijumper did that very same sign on official TV a few weeks back, he got in REALLY deep shit and had to apologize and all :p

Our country > yours