Metal CD Ratings has still been rolling with monthly updates (published the 1st of each month), but we didnt have an update last month, so weve made up for it by publishing our largest update ever, which includes 6 bonus full reviews!

Also, we spent a lot of time overhauling and cleaning up the alphabet pages last month (thats why there wasnt an update), and theyve had a lot more information added.
So if you havent been to the site lately, or have never been to the site, now is the perfect time to check it out
Thanks for your interest!
Metal CD Ratings has still been rolling with monthly updates (published the 1st of each month), but we didnt have an update last month, so weve made up for it by publishing our largest update ever, which includes 6 bonus full reviews!

Also, we spent a lot of time overhauling and cleaning up the alphabet pages last month (thats why there wasnt an update), and theyve had a lot more information added.
So if you havent been to the site lately, or have never been to the site, now is the perfect time to check it out
Thanks for your interest!