Metal Church

Souls of Black

Thrashing Tempest
Jul 2, 2002
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So who here is a Metal Church fan? I loved em' back in the day, and I am warming up to MC2006.

I have been listening to Blessing in Disguise and Hanging in the Balance alot over the last two days. Fukin' A!!!! This is what metal should be!! I know some folks say, self titled and The Dark are better because of David Wayne's Vox. But I don't agree, to me, Mike Howe just epitimzed MC's sound. I still say BiD is one of the greatest metal album's of all time.:headbang:

Being another Seattle band that is Metal (not godawful Grunge) I thought NM fans may have an insight....
I am a long time Metal Church fan. Mostly The David Wayne era. But yes, Mike Howe is awesome with MC. I seen the with MH and they were great. MH sounds great too. Another short dude with w big voice. i haven't hear the latest MC thought, i may have to pick it up.
I'm listening to A Light In The Dark now. Really excellent album. But I did not like the rerecording of Watch The Children Pray too much. The vocalist is very good, but he doesn't capture that certain feeling and power of David Wayne. The music on the cover also sounds a little bland. It's still a great album though.
metal church was one of the first "underground" old school metal bands I found out about; just because I was reading a lot about Nevermore and they had that Beyond the Black rumour floating.

I am only strongly familiar with the first album, yet I hear the rest is good. odd tracks I have selected on odd occasions were delightful!
retarded penguin said:
I dislike your username. :mad:

So does everyone else for the last three years. Deal with it. It aint changing. Yes i know it moves the screen and its all caps and blah blah blah, we moved on fromt hat two years ago. I like yours. :)
I still love Metal Church now keep in mind me and my buddies are a lil older then most and thats ok ..and when were drinkin or BBQing someone always calls for Metal Church or Beyond The Black funny to see a bunch of older people trying to hit high notes with 20 years of smoking under their belt ...oh BTW The Dark is my favorite and I do have a light in the dark and Im trying to get into it but ultimately Im a David Wayne fan...I'll still go to see this tour..oh back in the day of Ratt , Motley Crew, Scorpions, yadda... me and my friends were into Venom , Mercyful Fate , Exodus , MC , Slayer..... you know how much SHIT I took for that but I wouldnt change a thing:headbang:
So does everyone else for the last three years. Deal with it. It aint changing. Yes i know it moves the screen and its all caps and blah blah blah, we moved on fromt hat two years ago. I like yours. :)

It has more to do with the lack of SPACES. :mad:

But you like mine so I love you. Regardless.
You know how people always talk about "The Big 4" of Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Exodus (or Big 5 with Anthrax)? Well, I never liked Slayer or Exodus, so my big 4 included Metal Church.

I was listening to the self-titled earlier today. Beyond the Black is still amazing. I liked Blessing in Disguise, but the one after that lost me. I haven't even heard anything newer than that. Metal Church is still responsible for causing me the most pain from headbanging. After a show of theirs in '89 or '90, my neck was sore for 4 or 5 days.

Flotsam and Jetsam is another band that just faded away for me. Their first two discs were great, but after Newstead left they just fizzled.