Metal civil war

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here i am

New Metal Member
Mar 19, 2005
UK, Manchester
I'd just like to say why are all the different genre metalheads feuding with each other, black metal vs death metal, traditional heavy vs black ...etc... it's because of this that metal is becoming less popular and thinly spread among people. If everyone respected others views on metal then metal would become stronger and more of community instead of individuals. I mself like all genres of metal (except nu-metal which is single handidly bringing down metal and selling out to all the slipknot ten year old) although i consider myself to be more of a black metaler i still love all metal including traditional heavy metal. I say if we hate each other then were not true metalheads, unite and fight my brothers! :headbang:
What are you talking about? Almost no one here listens exclusively to one genre of metal. I can only imagine a possible preference for either traditional or extreme metal, but I've never witnessed fights because people were solely death or black metal. These audiences run together according to what I've seen.
here i am said:
I'd just like to say why are all the different genre metalheads feuding with each other...except nu-metal which is single handidly bringing down metal and selling out to all the slipknot ten year old

Wow. Your maturity is amazing. You're absolutely right! :rolleyes:

unite and fight my brothers!

On second thought...

Metal is becoming far more popular all the time, it's still mostly an underground genre but a lot more bands are getting public recognition, even if it's just small.

Since when are all the metalheads fueding? A true metal fan loves all the genres.
ProjectedBlack said:
Metal is becoming far more popular all the time, it's still mostly an underground genre but a lot more bands are getting public recognition, even if it's just small.

Since when are all the metalheads fueding? A true metal fan loves all the genres.

It wasnt always a underground genre.. but i would assume u didnt grow up in the 80's .. the 90's drove it underground again but i think its going back up in popularity except this time around extreme metal will lead the way and rightfully so...
Hmmm.....I like whatever I want and I see no fued. I love to listen to Jeff Buckley back to back with Merrimack. I'm sure there are plenty of people who share my views.
gee, i thought we was talkin bout the new iced earth DVD

"The new year will begin for Iced Earth with the delivery of the long-awaited Gettysburg DVD. This unique release will feature the epic work "Gettysburg (1863)" from 2004's The Glorious Burden stepping out of its stereo confines and expanding into a powerful 5.1-channel surround-sound mix. In fact, there will be two different surround-sound mixes (one "metal" and one "theatrical"), set to moving images. Additionally, the DVD will feature a historical commentary from the Gettysburg battlefield, and an in-depth interview with Jon Schaffer. More details will follow."

here i am said:
I'd just like to say why are all the different genre metalheads feuding with each other, black metal vs death metal, traditional heavy vs black ...etc... it's because of this that metal is becoming less popular and thinly spread among people. If everyone respected others views on metal then metal would become stronger and more of community instead of individuals. I mself like all genres of metal (except nu-metal which is single handidly bringing down metal and selling out to all the slipknot ten year old) although i consider myself to be more of a black metaler i still love all metal including traditional heavy metal. I say if we hate each other then were not true metalheads, unite and fight my brothers! :headbang:

Go away.
This is pretty stupid.....good music is generally relatively unknown....compared to most "popular" things. Sometimes there's pop music that calls itself metal, but it's not really metal. Now we're in the second time of this happening I think.

I thought this would be something about Iced Earth also....^_^
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