Metal classique mix


New Metal Member
Feb 23, 2011
Hello everybody,

I've done several recordings that I've put on youtube (Unleech89). But I haven't been caring a lot on mixing and mastering so far. I just did several EQ, comp and that's all.
But the more difficult the musics are the more difficult it was to get a nice result.

Now, in most cases, I record 2 rythm guitars and 2 lead guitars (Using my zoom g9 multi effect pedal). Then I add some extra synths and drums with Fruity Loops. I import my wav recorded guitars in FL and then I try to equalize and compress every instrument so that I can hear every instrument (with advice for boosts and cuts on instruments found on the net).
Then I add a multiband compressor on the whole mix (I read it is nice on the whole mix).
I pan the rythm guitars 50% right and left, and I center the lead one.

I come here in order to discover what is wrong in the way I mix my recordings. I would like to improve my mixing skills.
I recorded Badinerie (Bach), and made a metal cover.

Here you can hear the result : HERE
To me, given the difficulty of the guitars, the result is quite nice. I managed to make the lead and rythm be both heard in the mix.

You can tell me what you thing of my work, what isn't right in my mix. I would enjoy to get advice/criticisms to improve the way I mix my work.

Besides, I searched for tutorials on the net, dealing with mastering and mixing metal musics. But, I didn't found anything really interesting. If you had nice ones to give to me, it'd be really nice!!


EDIT : previously wrote the post in french, because I forgot the forum is english :')
Sorry, my previous post was in french, coz I didn't notice it is in English!
I also remixed the whole track. I think the result is better than before.
well it kinda sounds like the whole thing is way to lowpassed or somthing like that, needs more hi's and clarity... the guitar.... what are you using for guitars?? i can't seem to hear any rythme gituars....

and for some mastering , and metal mixing tutorials and tips use the search bar at the top of the page , it is very useful.. there are threads on every apect of mixing and mastering metal, you just got the find them..
Well, I just listen your mix.
There is no tutorial about mixing ans mastering. It's a a job and like many jobs it takes time to be good. Practice and read a lot of articles about phase issue,Eq'ing .....
All is available on internet to start with some good base.

About your mix, you have not used the stereo. Your mix is too centered and too deep (reverb). All is on the same plan (you can imagine a photo). To put relief on details, some details should be focused and some not.
Basically you don't have to Eq and compress every tracks.
In fact, you should use Eq/Comp only when it's needed.

And You should use a tool only when you know how to use it. MultiComp is a very complicated tool which need fresh and experimented ears.

Mixing is using the ears and the brain to focus on details that should be eared or not be eared. This is the first tool which you should learn to use it.

Et pour finir, si tu veux aller sur un forum Francais très pointu dans le son, va sur AudioAddict.

Non je suis juste de 89 :p .

Thanks for your answers. I've just seen it now.

I admit that this mix isn't very nice. One of the reasons is that I put too much and many effects on the guitars.

I re-recorded the whole thing, put far less effects, and mixed it again. Here is the result :

Lead + Rythm
and then, I tried to add Drums :
Lead + Rythm + Drums

It's the first time I mix drums. I picked up advice on several sources on the net to know approximatively what to do.

Let me know what you think about these new mixes.

( Merci pour les conseils TheSoulRemains)
I like the song but I have to admit I like it better without drums. Also, try to use your stereo field. Everything sounds too centered to me and as a result everything seems to be fighting for space. Sounds like everything could be cleaned up real nice with low and high pass. Try to find a better balance between those lows and highs.
I don't really understand how to use the "stereo" you are talking about.
I panned the rythm about 50% right and left, and just panned a little lead near center.

But obviously, it's not only a matter of panning. I'm gonna do some search !
mmmmm................remove all effects.
Remove all eq, comps, etc etc ...
Adjust the level between the tracks to ear all as clearly as it possible.
Put the pan at the end, just to detailed what could be detailed.
Don't tranck 4 guitar if only 1 is enough.

Tu as trop de tout.
I don't really understand how to use the "stereo" you are talking about.
I panned the rythm about 50% right and left, and just panned a little lead near center.

All stereo fields is filled with fuzzy (in the sens of blur) sound.

Start by mixing in mono.

Put your raw tracks in a folder and upload it on a ftp.
I will have a look at this and explain what doesn't work.
All stereo fields is filled with fuzzy (in the sens of blur) sound.
-> Don't understand the meaning. (si tu veux bien le dire en français aussi :p)
All stereo fields is filled with fuzzy (in the sens of blur) sound.
-> Don't understand the meaning. (si tu veux bien le dire en français aussi :p)

C'est "flou" en fait, il n'y a rien de défini à tel point qu'on ne sait pas vraiment ce qu'il y a.

Il semble que tu n'aies pas le recul nécessaire (c'est normal, c'est pas ton job) pour pouvoir l'entendre.
C'est pour ça qu'il faut commencer par savoir se servir du premier outils qui est le cerveau.
Vulgairement parlant ont dit "avoir" de bonnes oreilles. C'est faux, on a simplement un cerveau qui est capable d'analyser de la même façon que les yeux tournent et font la mise au point sur un sujet en particulier ou sur un panorama.
C'est par là que tout commence.
SI par exemple il y a une fréquence qui gène sur des guitares, le cerveau est capable d'analyser la fréquence et qu'elle vient des guitares et l'instant suivant de se rendre compte que le grave de la grosse caisse est flou.

Je pense pas pouvoir être plus clair.
Ok here is what I did very quickly. High passed and low passed everything. Set the levels starting with the bass, then guitars, then leads, then clav. I only used two rhythm tracks as the quad track seems unnecessary. Panned guitars 75 percent left and right and leads 20 percent left and right. Bass and clav center.

Honestly, what I think is killing this is the tracks themselves. Specifically the guitars. You have them soaked in reverb and not very uniform at that. This is killing your stereo image. Try recording the guitars dry and adding reverb ITB. Also, the rhythm guitars could be arranged better and played tighter. But, the biggest culprit is that reverb me thinks.
Ok here is what I did very quickly. High passed and low passed everything. Set the levels starting with the bass, then guitars, then leads, then clav. I only used two rhythm tracks as the quad track seems unnecessary. Panned guitars 75 percent left and right and leads 20 percent left and right. Bass and clav center.

Honestly, what I think is killing this is the tracks themselves. Specifically the guitars. You have them soaked in reverb and not very uniform at that. This is killing your stereo image. Try recording the guitars dry and adding reverb ITB. Also, the rhythm guitars could be arranged better and played tighter. But, the biggest culprit is that reverb me thinks.

All is said, nothing needs to be added, your try speaks for yourself.
Lol you didn't paste the right way the tracks.

Rythm 11 and 12 are together BEFORE rythm 21 and 22

I admit there is a little too much reverb to the lead.
Should It be better to record guitars with NO effect at all ?
Lol you didn't paste the right way the tracks.

Rythm 11 and 12 are together BEFORE rythm 21 and 22

I admit there is a little too much reverb to the lead.
Should It be better to record guitars with NO effect at all ?
My bad. That wasn't the point anyway and it was like a 5 min thing. Sorry.

I would record the guitars with just your base sound. no reverb or effects. You can add that later. Just your crunch tones. Maybe a little less gain on the rhythm tracks too.