Metal Crypt Radio

The Metal Crypt now has an Internet radio station. I've been working on this with staff members Sargon the Terrible and MetalMike for the past couple of weeks. I think we've worked out most of the problems (except for my voice tracks... It's been a rough month, bite me. ;)) We each have a show and the total playlist is currently 4.5 hours long, repeated on a loop 24/7. Genres vary: Heavy, Thrash, Power, Black, Death and Doom Metal. We'll of course be adding more soon.

All details here:
Episode 2 of all three shows is now on the air:

The Blitzkrieg, hosted by MetalMike: Killer playlist of various heavy, thrash and power metal.
The Metallist, hosted by Sargon the Terrible: Black Metal War - An all-black metal special.
The Metal Psycho, hosted by Michel Renaud: Heavy, thrash, death and black metal - all Canadian bands this time, known and unknown...

This time I manually fixed the cover art displayed while the songs play (otherwise it's a "first hit" off Amazon, which is not always accurate...)

More details:
:headbang: Can't seem to link to your radio site, but thats probably because I'm attempting to do so from a secure network. I'll have to try again when I get home from work today. BTW, is it possible to have my material added to your radio playlist, and if so, how would I go about it?


Internet radio streaming can be bandwidth-heavy for a company if many people are doing it, so a lot of companies block such sites (just like they do YouTube, etc...)

We're just starting (now into the second week), so we're currently not adding music "on request" (for lack of a better term) while we decide where we're headed with this. It's not ruled out for the future, however (most likely I'll update this thread, or you can check the various updates on the site or things like Twitter/Facebook/Myspace if you're into that stuff.)

The new playlist is now up on Metal Crypt Radio.

We're taking a little break from the hosted shows this week. Instead we put together a 6 hour-long playlist (on shuffle). Some underground/lesser known stuff as usual, but there is also A LOT of classics (or not-so-classics by some classic bands :)) Lots of catchy stuff.

The three hosted shows will be back next week.

More information:

Or go directly to the station page at
The hosted shows are back!

Episode 5 of all three shows is now on the air:

The Blitzkrieg, hosted by MetalMike: "Female Singers".
The Metallist, hosted by Sargon the Terrible: Epic Metal special.
The Metal Psycho, hosted by Michel Renaud: Some favourite songs of 2009 - Part I.

January 3 is the last day to take advantage of the 2-for-1 VIP membership offer.

More details:
Episode 6 of all three shows is now on the air:

The Blitzkrieg, hosted by MetalMike: Legendary Creations.
The Metallist, hosted by Sargon the Terrible: Best of 2009.
The Metal Psycho, hosted by Michel Renaud: Some favourite songs of 2009 - Part II.

More details:

You can also use the player on our Myspace page, or go directly to the station page at
Episode 7 of all three shows is now on the air:

The Blitzkrieg, hosted by MetalMike: Some favorite songs from albums reviewed in 2009.
The Metallist, hosted by Sargon the Terrible: Pagan Metal special.
The Metal Psycho, hosted by Michel Renaud: No theme, no special, just METAL.

More details:

You can also use the player on our Myspace page, or go directly to the station page at

Starting next week we will adopt a new format that should make the playlist more dynamic. Details coming soon...
The new episode of MetalMike's The Blitzkrieg will play at noon today, Eastern Time. You can see the schedule here: You can also see what time it's playing in your time zone using the dropdown (where it says "To specify a different local time zone, select an offset from GMT:")

Don't worry if you read this later and you missed it - the show will be rescheduled on different days and times in the future.