METAL DEVESTATION - April 9th - Show


Helping The World To See
Jan 3, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.
Thanks for everyone that came, and stayed to check out our set. We know who true Vehemence fans are, and we thank you. Saw a lot of familiar faces along with some new ones. Some cool bands played like Purtid Pile, Fleshgrind, Severed Savior ( which played a Pierced From Within cover,) and Disgorge. Photographs will soon be featured on our website.
HEY GUYS!!! Yeah, your set was really great...and the sound, compared to last year, was soooooo much better!!! This venue was not to shabby either...I got some great shots of all you guys and Johne is working with them as we speak so they should be up on the website soon. I cannot remember now, but did you guys not play D is Comfort? or did you? I know your set was a bit short...

P.S. Nathan- Feel better soon, and I hope your tooth is alright!! TOo bad you didnt get to have any wine Friday night :(

I had a great time hanging out and partying with you guys all week!! Take care until next time...
I had a great time at the fest this weekend. It was cool seeing Vehemence again, it seems like it's been almost a year since I've gotten to see them. Other highlight bands for me were Severed Savior, Trail Of Gore, and Fate Turns Grey on Friday, and Deadeyedstare, Inducing Terror, and Lord Gore on Saturday. It was good to hang out with all of my metal brothers and sisters all weekend, hopefully next year will be even better.

P.S. Thanks to everyone who got crazy during E.T.T.S.'s set on Saturday, it's always good to look out into the crowd and see violence. And sorry to anyone Chasen might have hit with his guitar. We have absolutely no control over that maniac.
Hey whats up man, sorry I missed the second day of the show, I am sure we will play together real soon. Dood why didnt you post the new evil dave artwork in here! ill do it for ya, his artwork kicks ass. Your band has some good death grind to it, mortician/skinless like, good stuff.

Everyone click here.

Kinda looks like The Lord's Work "Ed Gein" work he did. Your stuff came out really nice. Looking forward to getting your disc.
sev save, fleshgrind ,sepsism, were killer as expected ,but lord gore was the shit. those vox were sick. would had like to see more freaks in the pit. its been a long time since i threw my weight felt great.