Metal Fest Vienna canceled(by the festival)


(sym)phony (com)poser
Dec 16, 2001
Hi Everyone!!

I recieved last night a sad call, metalfest Vienna have canceled us, due to other cancelations. Borknagar couldn't play, as we've lost or second guitarist recently and we're at the same time in the studio(the album session have been extended and postponed) and Katatonia also canceled their show...and we were about to share the same bus...and now they(organizers) thinks it will be too expensive to just bring us there. It's sad, but nothing we can do anything about...I'm very sorry!

SummerBreeze is still on though!!!!!!!!

mr V
Happy Trolll!

Oh well, you'll suffer for that remark...

Anathema -- The Crestfallen -- Crestfallen
/* random quote */
When can we scream instead of whisper?
Well, I have no more reason to go the Metalfest Vienna. It's a shame. It all soundes so good in the beginning. Borknagar + Vintersorg...etc. I'm hoping for a big Borknagar / Vintersorg tour later this year.