metal-fests in the Western half of the US


killers of ignorance
Jun 30, 2004
Albuquerque, NM
Does anyone know of any metal fests planned for late summer/fall in the western half of the US? We are a thrash metal band from Albuquerque looking to play a bad-ass fest or two later this year. :headbang: We shred heavy shit loaded with intricate speed riffs and off-beats, combined with deep primal vocals. Anyone with info please post! Tetelestai appreciates it! :kickass:
The west coast DOES NOT have any sort of metal fests like the east coast/midwest does.
I think it might be because loads of bands come from europe for the fests, and the west coast is just too far. Also, espc in CA, there is not really a Metal scene. Yes, there is a small one about, but it's nothing compared to the hip/hop and rap dominace here.

If anyone can find it up!
There are no metalfests in CA! (Well Los Angeles atleast) Unless you're counting Ozzfest. L.A is a fucking musical cesspool! If you walk the streets you won't even hear normal "rock" let alone metal. But you will see a cholo every other block in a 1980's buick rolling down the street playing some jiggaboo hip hop bullshit!
AllWithinMyMonster said:
There are no metalfests in CA! (Well Los Angeles atleast) Unless you're counting Ozzfest. L.A is a fucking musical cesspool! If you walk the streets you won't even hear normal "rock" let alone metal. But you will see a cholo every other block in a 1980's buick rolling down the street playing some jiggaboo hip hop bullshit!
there was a fest last Saturday we played with Impaled, Throcult, Sadistic Intent, unholy Ghost, Nokturne, Dark Funeral, Vehemence, Anal Blast and shitloads more. Last year the same fest had Deicide and shitloads more. Next year there will be another one. It was sold out this year, so everone else knows about it!

It was a great, well organized fest.
Tetelestai is looking to hook up with some sick ass bands, who take this shit seriously from Cali, Az, Co, Or, Wa, ect.... We plan to tour quite a bit after the release of our 1st full-length next spring. We will soon have availabe some Mp3's to check out. There is a a hunger for good metal here in the southwest, and we'd love to have some bands out this way as well. If there arn't many good metal fests on this side of the US, lets get something rollin'! :Smokin: