Metal Foundry SDX - Download?


May 24, 2005
Does anyone know what the download option is all about? I can't seem to be able to find the answer on the toontrack website.
After you buy it, it gives you the option to download 1 kit. I couldn't be assed to download such a reducilous file size (mobile broadband, eww). I just waited the 3 days to get the box for all the kits, and installed all 35 glorious gigabytes.
Sweetwater is always a good shop to purchase from. I always get the goods fast, and they know how to pack stuff, they know how "well" ups handles packages.
I was the first to buy it from Sweetwater (had to initiate the process in their purchasing dept since they didn't even have it in their system yet) - they fucked up with mine and treated it like a download-only purchase, which it wasn't. Things should be set now, though - just make sure they actually ship you a box in addition to e-mailing you the serial number, if that's the route they go.
I was the first to buy it from Sweetwater (had to initiate the process in their purchasing dept since they didn't even have it in their system yet) - they fucked up with mine and treated it like a download-only purchase, which it wasn't. Things should be set now, though - just make sure they actually ship you a box in addition to e-mailing you the serial number, if that's the route they go.

Thanks for the advice. I emailed my sales rep directly. So far, Sweetwater has treated me very well. They truly offer superb customer service unlike the fucktards at zzounds.
Don't get me wrong - they corrected it within 12 hours of me bringing the issue to their knowledge, and were completely professional about it. I absolutely love that company.

Yup, I've never had anything but positive experiences with 'em!
Yup, I've never had anything but positive experiences with 'em!

Yeah, Sweetwater treats their customers pretty good, but then again it is somewhat annoying having your "sales engineer" randomly calling you up "just to see how things are going" when it's blatantly obvious they just want to sell you more shit. haha
Yeah, Sweetwater treats their customers pretty good, but then again it is somewhat annoying having your "sales engineer" randomly calling you up "just to see how things are going" when it's blatantly obvious they just want to sell you more shit. haha

I had one of these guys buggin me. When I told him what I wanted, he never called me back. I was only asking about an in-ear monitor system.
I've bought a total of like $6k worth of stuff from them in the past 3-4 years. They do call to try and get you to buy more but after the 3rd call I told them bluntly that I understand they make commission but I would call them if I need anything. They haven't called since :)

Other than that, which is easily fixed, they are an outstanding company to deal with.
I got my box for Metal Foundry today, installing now.

They sent me a box with installers for every Toontrack product... Ezdrummer + all the expansions, S2.0 and all expansions, drumtracker, etc... I just don't have serials for them. Really weird shit!