Metal Gods tour not happening with SyX

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
I spoke to Lepond after the Worcester show and asked if they were gonna really do the Metal Gods tour. He said no, because they really dont fit in at all with the rest of the bands.

So there you have it. Personally I agree.
I could care less about the other bands, I would be there to see Symphony X. I wouldn't have a problem with arriving just before SX gets on, and leaving after they are done. Im not much of a fan of death metal.
tattooedsean666 said:
that isn't the point. the point of that tour is to bring metal bands of all styles of genres together for one killer show

Unfortunately, that doesn't work in theory, cause when you have 4 bands of a more extreme style of metal, the fans of those bands (who are more popular than SyX in the US) tend to boo the more symphonic/power/prog band. As was the case (from what I heard) when Hammerfall opened for Death. Plus, its way more common for there to be crossover thrash/death/black metal fans than crossover power/death/black or prog/death/black.

diversify!!! Come on, this is why metal isn't growing as a whole overall. Genres need to tour together and cross breed. Bigger festivals = bigger draw and bigger exposure. More bands means more people will go and get into other bands, they're really doing themselves a diservice by not playing just because they feel like the odd one out. Uncool, but I'm still going because I'm into most of the other bands as well, and even though I'm not into Immortal at all, I don't mind being in a crowd and mingling where most people will probably be into them, hell most people will be 80's bay area fans with testament and halford co-headlining it!
Boo-urns to that. SyX is lucky I saw them on March 8th, or they'd have some 'splainin' to do. :)
Yes it would have been better for their fan base. Damn!. Ah well, are they done touring for the Odyssey after their Europe tour is done? - they better not be
Yngvai X said:
I spoke to Lepond after the Worcester show and asked if they were gonna really do the Metal Gods tour. He said no, because they really dont fit in at all with the rest of the bands.
So there you have it. Personally I agree.

If they pull out and this is the reason they give, it's a disaster for Symphony X and a disservice to metal as a whole.

If there are other reasons, then fine. But please, not this one.

Would be weird to fit in with Halford for a couple shows but suddenly not on a tour just because of who the other bands are...
Yngvai X said:
Unfortunately, that doesn't work in theory, cause when you have 4 bands of a more extreme style of metal, the fans of those bands (who are more popular than SyX in the US) tend to boo the more symphonic/power/prog band. As was the case (from what I heard) when Hammerfall opened for Death. Plus, its way more common for there to be crossover thrash/death/black metal fans than crossover power/death/black or prog/death/black.

I will not let that theory settle in my head. I have been into metal of all styles since the 80's. I have seen it work in europe and I saw it in the various places I have lived in the states up until the grunge years when everyone started listening to what was big on the radio.

I just think fans need to be more open minded and seeing there is good with all styles of metal. Do this or they should stop their whining when metal doesn't get bigger.
I agree, Symphony X may differ stylistically from the remainder of the proposed bill, but I think they are blowing a major opportunity to raise awareness by passing on this tour, and the excuse is antithetical to the Halford's goal for this tour, if they had said they were exhausted from the previous tours, including the upcoming one in Europe, that would seem more logical and less insulting towards fans of the heavier artists on the bill that enjoy SX's music, and vice versa...
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I really hope the members from Symphony X read this thread, and forget about the other bands and their styles of metal. Like it was pointed out perfectly before, its a goal from Rob Halford to unite people with likes ranging from all forms of metal. Its not like most metal fans fit into and like only one type of metal. From my personal tastes, I love death metal and black metal, but I also love prog metal like Dream Theater and Symphony X. And im sure most of the Symphony X fans here have a broad taste in metal like me. Not to mention Symphony X will make many fans from this tour, and perhaps many non-progmetal fans, fans!. They'll be a hit for sure on this tour, like they were on the Blind Guardian tour.

Do I hear a petition coming? :p

Nah, but I hope they re-think this if they do not want to do this tour because of the strange line-up.
I agree that the band would be doing themselves a huge diservice if they withdrew from the tour because of the presented reason.

I really hope this is not the case...
How about we let the band do what they want? Perhaps they would prefer to come back to the US and headline so they can do The Odyssey and still have time for a decent sized set? Perhaps they were announced on this gods of metal tour but they never committed to it in the first place - we've all seen that happen before. It's way too premature to be getting upset and saying that they are backing out of anything. It should be apparent that they care very much about their fans.
Hey, it's a great opportunity for U.S. exposure. I think maybe certain band members have day jobs they need to return to, they probably didn't anticipate this much touring going on. It's their business, im sure they have a manager, well I hope they do it anyway
There are a few different reasons behind SymX declining to go on this tour, and not all of them need to be discussed..suffice it to say that, in the big picture, it's better that they don't go.
Lady of the Oracle said:
There are a few different reasons behind SymX declining to go on this tour, and not all of them need to be discussed..suffice it to say that, in the big picture, it's better that they don't go.

There is no reason to be so upset. Just about every where they went, they told the crowd that they would be back in the summer or fall. Just because they aren't doing the tour with Halford, doesn't mean they won't come back, so what's the big deal?
True, Kyra..not to mention that the odds are quite good that this way they'll be back as headliners, as compared to being openers on the metal gods thing..which would you prefer? Seems a pretty obvious choice to me..