Metal Hammer - Iron Maiden special


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Anyone else got this? It's a bit pricey at $17 and probably tells us little we don't already know (plus there's a few glaring errors, like this gem: "Steve Harris - The only man who's played on every Iron Maiden album...") but it has a stack of photos and shit and some reasonable album-by-album reviews.
Been there bought that, handy thing when the local newsagent holds a copy of anything with Metall Hammer on it, sure it ain't worth the cost all the time, but hey fuck nut don't buy it then :loco:
Latest Classic Rock has a big Maiden feature; I quickly scanned it in the shop, and seems another 'Why are they still popular?' type story, going over the past.

The cover is either Maiden or the Stones, depending on which one you buy!
What more is there to say about Maiden that hasn't been said hundreds of times before?