Metal is my life...


New Metal Member
Dec 7, 2016
Hello all! My love of metal is deep and has a very long list of bands that I listen to and my knowledge is very deep on the subject. My opinions are mine and mine alone and I'll give it to you if you so desire.

I've been a DJ of my very own metal show and I had access to hundreds of bands and several record labels were in contact with me everyday.

I'm 42 years old and my love of metal continues to get stronger and deeper. I tend to enjoy the likes of Cannibal Corpse, Obituary, Suffocation, Morbid Angel, Slayer, Pantera, Immolation, Incantation, Deicide, Cradle of Filth, Testament, Megadeth, Within Temptation, Type O Negative, The 69 Eyes, Lacrimos Profundere, Black Sabbath, Down, Superjoint, Cattle Decapitation, Monstrosity, Malevolent Creation, Exhumer, Mortician, and on and on.

If I had the money to buy all the albums of every single metal band I love, it'd exceed $10,000, easily. I'd have to have a home server with a huge hard drive to hold all of my music. That's how serious and in love of metal I am.

I'm a lifer. I was born into metal and I've never waivered. Although I do listen to some new age and alternative, those are shadowed and pale in comparison to my love of metal. I'm so metal, I might as well be a cyborg.

Got a question about me? Ask. Got a question about a band? Ask. I'll answer you. I'm almost like a walking encyclopedia when it comes to metal because I LOVE IT!! It gives me the energy to make it through the day no matter how hard it might be.

I live for metal.

thank you for accepting me into your community. i shall prove myself worthy.
You download?

Most of the time, yes, I download my music. I'm about to start getting the CDs for all the bands I've got now in my library and for the ones I want in the future.

I'd prefer ripping the CDs and putting the music on my home server or laptop, but I don't have any CDs at the moment. Yes, I'm old school. CDs are still very relevant because think of it like this. If all of the cloud services, Google Drive, Amazon cloud services, Apple's cloud service, etc., were to go out of business or suffer some major catastrophe, I'd be screwed. Plus, I love having the physical disc in hand and having the booklets and J cover for the albums. Hardcopy is always awesome to have. If I'm trying out a new band that I've never heard of before, I'll download one song from them to give them a shot. Then if I like what I hear, I'll but the CD.

My downloads are either from Amazon or Apple Itunes. Never from a pirated site like the piratebay. think just because I know how to setup a home server and store my music and stream it to any part of my house and I happen to revere CDs and I know how to rip them onto my computers to be "nu school?" lol that's funny shit. I'm 42 years old. I've been around this country and done a lot of stuff. I've had my own metal radio show at the first college I attended in 1993. I've been using computers since I was 9 years old and discovered heavy metal music at 10 when I played Black Sabbath's "We Sold Our Soul For Rock n Roll" album on VINYL. Cassette is case you didn't know, not made anymore. That makes it a dead medium. I've had Metal Blade Records, Roadrunner Records, Earache Records, Nuclear Blast, Century Media, Epic Records and more on speed dial when I was in college. Can you say that? Do you remember who Grip, INC was? Let me fill you in really quick. That's the band Dave Lombardo, former drummer of Slayer, created when he was booted out of the band not long after the release of "Seasons in the Abyss" because he couldn't play the drums worth a shit. Slayer and Rick Rubin had to use a very early version of a drum program on a computer to add extra bass drum beats to simulate double bass drum playing because Dave couldn't do it. I bet not many people know that. I asked their rep from Metal Blade (Grip, INC's rep) why Dave got booted and that's why. And this was in 1993. They replaced him with Paul Bostaph and then recorded Divine Intervention and they purposefully made the drums louder just to show off the fact that Paul could play better than Dave. Go ask Tom or Kerry. Can't exactly ask Jeff because he died and Paul Bostaph might know since he's back in the band.

Me, nu school? Not a chance. My first metal album that I ever bought was when I was in high school and it was Morbid Angel's "Blessed are the Sick." My mother was furious over it. I didn't give a shit. And I still don't. I'm not living my life cowering in a damn corner because I'm too old for that shit. And I was chin deep in heavy metal before I even graduated high school in 1993.

So don't call my knowledge of computers and music "nu school." If you call me nu school because you don't know what to do with it, then go learn about it. There's a thing call school and books. You might've heard of it.

And I've been around computers ever since and I'm very fucking smart. So much so that a recent IQ test put me at 160. That's extremely smart. Almost a genius. I just happen to have this gift called extremely awesome memory and understanding because I'm very fucking smart and things come easy to me. I'm very proud of my abilities. I may not be able to play a harmonic scale in the key of E, but I can play some.
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An IQ test didn't put you at 160 or you'd be one of the top geniuses of our time and people would know who you are, especially since the essay that you wrote about your life doesn't show a focus on academics so you'd be considered a major outlier.

Downloading music instead of buying it is the antithesis of being an old school metal fan.