Metal Marathon and a waterlogged TSO!


Long Live =^.^=
Mar 5, 2005
Southeast Idaho
Metal report from the field: Rokk here, your roving reporter with the latest news that is news! :cool:

The Metal Wire reports that a certain Siberian Outcast was almost washed away in the great flood of Southeast Idaho! Ok... It was just a heavy rainstorm and he was camping in a less than adequate tent and needless to say he got wetter than a drowned rat! :loco:

But survive he did as I was able to interupt his busy promotional tour for the famous authors new book and spend a few hours sharing the metal as only a metal master and his apt student can! :err:

The Outcast was picked up about noon today on the "riverside" in a Rokkin' All Terain White Limosine SUV specially equipped for a metal sharing marathon and cheufeured to destinations that transported the passengers to a time a place where the metal memories live on! OK,ok... I picked him at the mall in my Ford Expedition complete with a 5 disc changer and a laptop in tow for burning the metal on the fly! o_O

Many a metal moment were experienced as we were headbanging for hours on end (something I have not been able to do for longer than I care to admit) and to tell you the truth it's something I had almost forgotten how to do! :worship:

The following is a list of albums that we cranked and burned along the way!

Tad Morose - Modus Vivendi
Jon Olivia - Tage Mahal
Brainstorm - Metus Mortis
Alogia - Secret Spheres of Art
Lanfear - The Art Effect
Manticore - 8 Deadly Sins
Pyramaze - Melancholy Beast
Sandalinas - Living on the Edge
Falconer - Grime vs. Grandeur
Jacobs Dream - Drama of the Ages
Warlord - Rising from the Ashes
Russell Allen - Atomic Soul
Icarus Witch - S/T
Oz - Fire in the Brain :devil:

Just to name a few! :loco:

Overall I think both of us came away with one Hell of a Haul! :Spin:

This is your roving reporting signing off and until next time :headbang:
Astounding report, from the only and one The Rokk! :worship:

BTW, I have only one of those albums :lol:
thats awesome, I'm glad TSO is alright :lol:

Well I cant say I was in his exact position....but there's been heavy rain, and flash flooding all over the area. BUT, they're just finishing up the dyke across the street from me, so I wont have anything to worry about :D