Metal Messiah movie FINALLY released

J. Golden

Heaven and Hell Records
Oct 12, 2009
Finally what is sure to become an underground classic gets a proper release on DVD. The film opened in Poland, Oregon back in 2010 to sold out houses followed by several repeat showing to great local success. In 2012 it aired at SCUM Fest in Raleigh, North Carolina to great response. Now the movie is ready for worldwide distribution.


A musical comedy covering three decades in the life of Sage Negadeth, an encyclopedic headbanging hero determined to form the heaviest band of his scene. Everything seems to work out as he forms a thrash band with his best friend and two Nigerian exchange students. When a school counselor threatens institutionalization, the Nigerians are deported and he's still stuck working at a gas station, Sage must choose between making a deal with the Devil or the salvation offered by a mysterious Christian girl. Packed with original Metal music and headbanging humor that may offend just about anyone, 'Metal Messiah' is ultra low budget and yet plenty of eye candy and laughs ensure a fast paced, super fun ride.
"In the late 1980's Sage Negadeth had a vision to form a heavy thrash band with a huge stage show. He is so dedicated to metal"

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the trailer was painful to watch....dont think I could make it through 20 minutes of the actual movie.

Put it in perspective of what it is; I grew up in the 80s with Troma movies every weekend before and after Headbanger's Ball, it takes me back to those days. And there is a charm about the flick seeing that it is a film made by metalheads fore hetalheads. Sure it is llow budget, not oscar winning acting, or Shakespeare writing but I would think that would not matter so much to the "underground" so much considering a lot of the music we listen to, after all some of the bands and albums we love could be actually seen as pretty terrible cwhen one actually honestly critics them.
I believe and feel the movie has that same heart has all those under produced DYI bands out there. I do think in places the movies drys up and almost even falls flat in places, but I was not looking for The Godfather here, not even Spinal Tap. Then again I like movies like The Bad News Tour, Rock n Roll Nightmare, and Rock n Roll Zombie (starring the great Sabu). Not to mention hearing Apocrypha in a movie no matter how unknown is pretty cool.
Bob I would not think I would have to explain this to you of all people and you would already understand this. Maybe it is different for metal fans when it comes to the shitty recorded indie band or whatever.
No I grew up on Troma movies and schlock movies but this is just painfully bad. I never just like something just because it has music I like in it or even something else pandering to it's core audience. In the end comedy is one of the hardest genres out there to do. When it comes to low budget stuff I am very picky.
No I grew up on Troma movies and schlock movies but this is just painfully bad. I never just like something just because it has music I like in it or even something else pandering to it's core audience. In the end comedy is one of the hardest genres out there to do. When it comes to low budget stuff I am very picky.

well once again you have not seen it through. Now you probably will not change you opinion afterwards, certain not after being challenged after you made such a case. But really you should not judge until you know more... but hey you are Republican right?:D Christians also judge without knowing too come to think of it. Yeah I went there. HAHA