Metal Mix, Real Drum , Real Amp

The mix sounds heavily compressed, both sonically and as an MP3. The quality sounds very low. I don't like the drum mix/sound at all.

Since you never specify your intent with the mix it's very hard to give any input other than my opinion. What is your goal? Overall, to me the mix sounds very low fi.
Guitars are ok, but the drums sound really weak. Sounds like they suffer from too much channel compression and the mastering limiter makes it even worse.
Focus on mixing well before even starting mastering. The terrible pumping makes it hard to judge anything mix-wise. The tones don't sound that bad, but we can't really judge anything if it's pumping that much.
^Would be cool if you could just upload the mix, without master compression or limiting. Then maybe things can start to breathe more and open up a little.. Do you also compress your drums heavily? If so, then try going with a lot lower compression. It´s pumping alot - maybe that´ll fix it. Otherwise, better mix than the last one you uploaded!
^Would be cool if you could just upload the mix, without master compression or limiting. Then maybe things can start to breathe more and open up a little.. Do you also compress your drums heavily? If so, then try going with a lot lower compression. It´s pumping alot - maybe that´ll fix it. Otherwise, better mix than the last one you uploaded!

thanks dude =)
Adam_V , the drums is not loud .... go learn mix

For my taste, track is not ready for mastering ..
Adam_V , the drums is not loud .... go learn mix

For my taste, track is not ready for mastering ..

you can say what you want, I had reasons on these two posts ...

in my mix, it is a choice, the battery do not be loud ...
and yes my track is not ready for mastering because it is already master ...

meanwhile, thanks for criticize the mix and not troll ;)
you can say what you want, I had reasons on these two posts ...

That ain't particurly true, because the first statement "the drums is not loud .... go learn mix" was definitely rude and uncalled for.

Are you making these threads to showcase your work or ask for advice on your mixing? Because all I see really is when someone gives you critique you just sit and defend yourself instead of taking the advice to heart.

Anyway, I tried listening to your mix but it's pumping so hard that I find it pretty much unlistenable, like everyone else says, get your mix straight before you even think about doing a master

@ Habsburgs & Martijn: Was about to write something like you said but finally did not. No offense but every threads where this guy is writing is pretty hilarious actually. What I'm saying is not insulting at all but it's never interesting to read 16 year-old sterile - and sometimes aggressive - comments.
@ Habsburgs & Martijn: Was about to write something like you said but finally did not. No offense but every threads where this guy is writing is pretty hilarious actually. What I'm saying is not insulting at all but it's never interesting to read 16 year-old sterile - and sometimes aggressive - comments.

Funny that you just posted that - was about to write the exact same thing^
Come on guys...Adam_V is a "graduate of a school ....."! I am sure he has far more to teach than he has to learn :D

On a serious note though, I think the OP is seeking approval rather than critique. He is not interested to hear what isn't working.