Metal Mysteries


Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
The Ivory Tower
I don't really make threads anymore, but I didn't know where else to post this; Deron can move it if there's a better place.

"Metal mysteries" might sound kind of dumb, but it's not as sensational as it sounds. All I mean is that I have questions about some bands that I can't find answers to; so, I'll ask them here:

1. What the fuck ever happened to Isen Torr? I always wanted to hear an LP.

2. What's going on with Hellveto? MA says he changed the name of his project, but there's no page for it. Is the new deal still a metal outfit, or something different?

3. What the fuck happened to Ancient Rites?

Answers would be appreciated. Any other questions are fine too; maybe I'll even care about them.
They had a steady string of releases back in the late nineties, then a break before Rubicon came out (which wasn't great). Since then, no news of another release at all, no mention of new material. Did they run out of money or something? At any rate, I wouldn't mind hearing something like Dim Carcosa again.

I would really like to find some news on Isen Torr though. The EP they put out fucking rocked.