metal observer radio!


Feb 8, 2003
metal observer usa radio show!
whats up? wes here from the metal observer american office.(they wont let me post url's so just add a www in front of metal-observer and add com or org or de or whatever you like behind it!)
im not here to spam but i am here to asky you sick freaks to support the metal observer radio show!
i will place a schedule here in this post so you can know when to listen and also i will tell you it is brodcast worldwide but i want the americans to tune in and dominate this show!
here is a scedule you can find all the details on how to tune in at the above listed site addy or email me at or!
thanks and i hope to be hearing from you soon!
also listen to my contest only on the show starting on march 15th sposored by the end records!

Here's the broadcast schedule:
Day N. Am. (EST) Eur (Cen. Eur) Australia(East Coast)
Mon 2pm --------8pm ---------6am (Tuesday)
Tues 3pm---------9pm ---------7am
Wed 10pm--------4am (Thurs)--2pm (Thursday)
Thur 2pm---------6pm--------- 6am (Friday)
Fri 10pm--------4am (Sat)----2pm (Saturday)
Sat 2pm/10pm--- 8pm/4am (Sun) 6am/2pm (Sunday)
Sun 4am --------10am --------8pm

stay sick and email me those request,and of course all pics of thong clad chicks are welcome!

wes"the rev"matal observer radio
by the way whats everone looking foward to this year do we have some great releases coming up or what?!?!?!?!?!?