Metal or not?

Well even though his daddy doesn't love The Great Southern Trendkill, I gave him a freakin' 10! Which is one of the song titles, check that out! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oooh hell! I've just seen the pic of the first asshole with that sword and I hardly can keep my ass on the chair I'm sitting in... I want to roll on the ground and laugh insanely! What a moron loser! :lol:
@max: It was a gift from a friend. He bought a 6 month old size plain black shirt, and an AC/DC iron-on logo.

@Brat: Hey, it was the minimum age to be included on the site. It just goes to show they either make to effort to correlate the pic and the age, or they're just a bunch of morons. I'm guessing the latter.

@johnnie: I like TGSTK, I just don't love it. And yes, some of the pics are hilarious, even though I don't think they're meant to be. Which is why it's so funny that Antonio, an obvious joke entry, is beating all these people that consider themselves to be "seriously metal" (whatever the hell that means)