Metal sucks ass.


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
...What is some other stuff like Days of the new, The Tea Party, The doors etc., you know, non-metal 'celtic' kindof stuff.

Lots of acoustic guitar...
I dont really know,,,,but i really like days of the new. I think that bands that can play the acoustic guitar show that they have alot of talent and really care about the music and are expressing there feelings through there music
Anything that is hippy music (splendor solis), or is reeeeeeaaly dark and depressing is what i'm after...

you know... Like The Tea Party, Days of the new I.
The Tea Party...........

oh, you said that already (tough, they're one of my favorites, as you know :D )

Depressing and Dark:

Downer - try the song Bi-Furious
Sunna - try the song I'm Not Trading
Trapped :

Try Landberk's "Lonely Land", you will love it I am SURE. I'd even want you to send me your comments about it, it's a very special album for me.

Also you can try : Current 93's "Thunder Perfect Mind" and "All the pretty little horses" ; it's wicked, it's insane, it's dark, it's... fucking sad, really. I'll never thank Astarte enough for this. They are not the greates of musicians (or at least they don't show it on their records) but they sure know how to stake you with all the darker emotions you can find. Brilliant, but to listen with a small dosage.

As I'm not sure what you are exactly looking for, I can also recommend :
Chris DeBurgh's "Spanish Train" (awesome, whatever one might say),
Genesis' "Selling England by the Pound" or "Foxtrot" or "The Lamb lies down on Broadway",
King Crimson's "In the court of the crimson king" and "In the wake of Poseidon" as well as many others by the band.

But anyway, I'd say start with Landberk's album, you won't regret it.
Thanks blue moon... I'll let you know what i think as soon as i get it...!

Thanks heaps for the reccomendations

*starts audiogalaxy*

May not be what you're looking for, but the Cranes are cool once you get used to her voice, and some of the more recent Anathema stuff isn't particularly metal - more psychedelically dark.
Black Label Society's acoustic Ep is cool too if you're in the mood for that. Or maybe some of Jerry Cantrell's solo stuff, or some Trouble...