Metal Thrashing mad Song


New Metal Member
Sep 11, 2013
Jerusalem, Israel.
Hi, new here. I haven't much experience with Anthrax, only heard a couple songs by this band before. Theres a song I really liked by Anthrax, called metal thrashing mad I believe. Anyone know other anthrax songs or albums with a similar musical direction? If yes please tell me. Thanks
Metal Thrashing Mad comes from the very first album Fistful Of Metal (1984). The whole album is sounding similar, but since then they have had different singers.
Good old Mr. Turbin's Vocals.

Howling Furies should be enjoyable. Deathrider is Awesome. Panic is right up there with Deathrider in my book. Soldiers of metal should be good too. The whole album like Johnnie says has a similar sound and feel with the exception of the I'm Eighteen cover. Subjugator too!

Armed and Dangerous fits right in there too. I'd be a little curious to hear what you think of the Among The Living album(the best album ever created in my opinion).
Fistful of Metal is insanely underated by the general metal community as a debut thrash record imo. It's raw, but well put together and awesomely executed.
Fistful of Metal is insanely underated by the general metal community as a debut thrash record imo. It's raw, but well put together and awesomely executed.
Yes it is phenomenal and way better then Kill em All in my opinion. I HATE the vocals on kill em and the musicianship on Fistful is way better. Everything is better on Fistful, the better band.
Fistful of Metal is insanely underated by the general metal community as a debut thrash record imo. It's raw, but well put together and awesomely executed.

:wave: I can't stand the vocals.

Yes it is phenomenal and way better then Kill em All in my opinion. I HATE the vocals on kill em and the musicianship on Fistful is way better. Everything is better on Fistful, the better band.

Good point, though.
Agree it's better than Kill 'Em All musicwise and productionwise, but to be honest I don't really like Turbin's vocals except of Deathrider, where he comes closer to cookie monster style - fits him better than when he's trying to sing.
Deathrider, Anthrax the song and especially Panic came out killer on TGOTE - the best songs, in my opinion.