Metal to Rate

The gear is:
- cheap Jackson JS30RR guitar, humbuckers replaced with Seymour Duncans JB and TB ->
- Boss GE-7 equalizer pedal, which is used in the beginning of the chain to cut some unwanted mids ->
- Some tube preamp... It is kinda home-made preamp, not by me, but some other guy ->
- Here the signal comes to M-Audio Audiophile 24/96 of my PC
- signal is processed by Voxengo Boogex with some Mesa Cab impulses. I am not sure, but those impulses are taken from this forum.

About the sound. I am not "gainiac", I try to keep gain low. But in this fragment I tried to make amount of the gain closer to original.

Does the sound of guitars have more digital or analog-tube character?
Well it does sound pretty analog, so props to that - but it also needs SO MUCH MORE MIDS!! :) Ditch the Boss pedal for starters
I got your message, but I think the problem is more with post-eq, than pre-eq. Well, I'll try.