Metal Tribute to Dimebag.


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
Out of sheer respect for this man, and i know his playing has touched us all and made us all bang our heads till we couldn't bang anymore, i urge ANY OF YOU with any playing talent to record your favourite Pantera tracks as a mark of respect.

Any quality, be the drums/bass MIDI or not, it's out of respect for one of the legends of metal Guitar.

R.I.P Dimebag.

Thanks Needled - Good thread idea.

And excellent picts. It's nice to see us acting as support for our community - unlike some other threads I've seen spring up here today.

Dime was and is one of my all time guitar heros. I've spent countless hours playing along with his cd's. Domination, This Love, Cemetary Gates... and so on. I haven't felt this sad since Layne Staley OD'd.

RIP Darrell... See ya in heaven bro.
Thats a great idea man. I wish I could contribute to such an awesome guitar player. I hope my friend puts his Signature Camo Guitar in a glass case, it's even more of a treasure than it was before.
I'll be recording Walk as soon as I get back home on monday, this is a fucking diabolical murder, and it's a fucking sad occasion for musicians, metal-heads & just anybody with a set of ears. Dimebag was & is a fucking legend, his attitude was fantastic, if you need proof, just watch his metal hammer 2004 awards award acceptance speech. Thats how I wanna remember him, drunk as fuck.
This was, like, the worst day since a loong time...
I went to school and told my friend about it, and he had no clue bout what happened, and he was so schocked, and our english teacher said 'walk' in a sentence, and we hummed the song and sang it.....

He's so down now, he really loves Pantera, and he said he's going to get totally drunk this weekend....

Well. this isnt exactly bout dimebad, but...related...somehow...
I dont even know what to say. He was and still is one of my first guitar heros. He was one of the reasons I wanted to play guitar. I just saw him less than a month ago. Its really hard. You will always be remembered and missed Dime. Your music will live forever.
He was amazing, the music world has lost one of its greats...i love Pantera and he will still forever more have an impact on me everytime i listen to them...RIP Dimebag
Stay strong Vinnie...\m/
I posted more about this at my bands site but I still can't fucking believe what happened, Dime is one of the reasons why i even play guitar, this is fucking terrible. I can't even imagine what vinnie is going through now. Fucked up doesn't even begin to describe what happened. My band is doing a show some time soon and we're going to cover Cowboys From Hell and Cemetary Gates hopefully we can record it somehow and i'll post those here if we do get them recorded.
