

Jun 25, 2007
Just curious anybody out there fans of 21st century metal bands like slipknot, shadows fall,killswitch engage, trivuim, lamb of god, children of bodom and arch enemy?
At the risk of dating myself, I admit I'm really not into current "metal" bands such as the ones mentioned. I really, really do not like cookie monster vocals (although ironically I do love Cookie Monster). It wasn't until I heard Dragonforce that I got hopeful that guitar solos were back. But I haven't paid much attention after that. I hate so-called rock radio (I don't have satellite radio, which I know has some great stations). Most of the time when I turn on the radio in my car, I listen to old-school hip hop and R & B or else NPR. I hate most of the current pop and Top 40 stuff, too. Guess that just makes me a HATER. :lol:
So you think you're so hot that you would actually date yourself? Well, I guess if I was Bruce Chickinson maybe I would too.

Why would anyone listen to any music that doesn't sound good? If it doesn't sound nice, then there would have to be an artistic brilliance to it to make it worthwhile to listen to. But I ditched my Cookie Monster albums years ago. Although, I do play "C if for Cookie it's good enough for me" on special occasions, such as Purim.
I still remember when "nu-metal" was the big thing. Everyone was into them cuz they were "hip". Where are they now? In a few years, these bands will become passe and a new trend will emerge.

I like metal that lives on for generations. Like Maiden, Priest, Sabbath, stuff like that. Not to mention vocals I can understand and songs that don't all sound the same.
