

Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Hello friends.

I'm sending this out to all of the current mailing lists/boards/friends I write and coorespond with so as to explain my lack of being around or replies lately.

I've been going through a health issue for some time now, many of you have gotten my replies of "being sick" and what not. I have to admit it was a little more than your average "sick" but it's not easy telling people this without them thinking you are some kind of flake or always making excuses about one thing or another.

I decided to write this and make it public because of a few hostile/negative emails I have recently received. Most of you know me personally and know I am online 24/7 and am always available for talk/chat, etc. and in turn know I am a stand up guy when it comes to communication and honesty, at least I hope you do!

If you have sent me emails and have not received a reply in regards to something, it also could still be my email account messing up as well. Feel free to send any questions or inquiries to me at and CC the email to and I will make sure to reply this week sometime, and the reason I can finally say that is this:

I have finally had a stroke of good luck today at another Doctors visit who was able to diagnose/verify another Doctors evaluation. I don't want to go into explaining the illness itself as it is too personal of a nature to talk about, but I can say I am finally going to get (starts tomorrow) the treatment to "fix" things (as I am told) and should be back on track health wise hopefully by weeks' end. It'll be a while before I am 100% but work should not be affected any more as of this week/weekend. I can say to you all never take thing sin life for granted, it's funny the way you change your thought process after going through something like this.

I want to extend a big time public apology to the Reading Zero guys and the lack of getting their site online as of yet. Look for the site to finally go online by next week if all this goes well with this treatment as suggested it will.

Anyways, I wish all of you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR and I can promise you that 2003 will be a banner year for MetalAges Media/Store/Ezine/Merchandising/Records and hope each of you continues to visit my sites, etc. Thank you all and God Bless.

Deron Blevins
The MetalAges guy
i'm very sorry to hear that, and wish you luck with your speedy recovery.

my family suffered a loss this christmas eve. a friend, a co-worker that we all knew was ill attempted suicide about a week and a half ago. the doctors, dismissed it as drug abuse. unless he did more than the norm, no drug he was taking would make a stuffed deer head talk to him. doesn't take long years in medical school to determine that. last night, he hung himself.

another friend, co-worker is very sick this christmas with an ear infection but to top things off his wife lost their first child last saturday, and the 21 year old that killed himself last night was one of his closest friends.

but despite that, life will go on and we must look for the positives in our lives, i know i have many. sometimes i feel guilty for being so blessed.

i hope the members of rz are having/had a joyful holiday and deron, i again wish the best for you.