Metalcore Mix

Recorded this band last week - it was their first time recording so there was a TON of editing to be done, and things were a little bit rushed as we spent so much time getting everyone up to speed.

Even still, here's how its sounding right now. I reamped guitars at home, but wasn't happy with the tone (was in a rush to get it done and didn't have time to perfect). Right now they are just gearbox plugin.

Hows it sounding?

Older Mix

Newer Mix

Newest Mix
Drums were a cheap pearl export, used quite a lot of samples on this one (as you may be able to tell!). Snare is the natural snare, blended with Slate 12Z3 and Z4 and then a TINY bit of Alesis D4 Fat City to give some more snap. The kick is 100% replaced, its 3 different TAMA sounds I have knocking about blended together. Toms are the chimaira toms. The guys cymbals actually came out alright - they were a brand I had never heard of before and were fucking loud.

I'm not enjoying the guitar sound - needs reamping :)
Haha well its gone now.....

but it was tubescreamer, 6505, guitarhack impulse. tweaked the input voltage up a bit, high gain input and pretty standard settings from there. as I always say with settings the guitar and player will make more of a difference.

as far as revalver goes......certainly more options than podfarm, but I'm not convinced its getting me a better caliber of sounds yet. Probably say its as good as podfarm right now.
Haha well its gone now.....

but it was tubescreamer, 6505, guitarhack impulse. tweaked the input voltage up a bit, high gain input and pretty standard settings from there. as I always say with settings the guitar and player will make more of a difference.

as far as revalver goes......certainly more options than podfarm, but I'm not convinced its getting me a better caliber of sounds yet. Probably say its as good as podfarm right now.

Do I need a POD to get PODfarm? The website's wasn't entirely clear on that the last time I was there!
Just need something line 6 to work as a dongle, or there is also an iLok version. I wish the pod version was interchangable with the iLok one, as it would save me lugging my pod to uni with me all the time just to work as a dongle....

Shit, I'm low on USB ports on this laptop as it is (yes I'm using a hub - it's full)!
Ed just buy Revalver already...:lol:

The best thing to do is use the signal splitter and run 2 RIR modules with two different impulses. Fucking sick results...of course I have nothing to show you but some of the clips I've put up around here using ReValver I have done it that way, and stated so in the posts.

Will sound a little biased but the MKIII one has the best tone so far...but it sounds like the guitar signal is being choked.

I think vocals and guitars leads/overubs being loud in the mix explains the "weak/not loud enough" sounding rythm guitars.

All clips sound really good. I'd just decrease the vocals and lead/overdub guitars volume a bit.