Thanks to all of your comments, suggestions, and most importantly your criticism, metalfan ( has been COMPLETELY overhauled, redone, scraped down to the ground and buillt back up. As you may or may not know I went into this webpage thing with NO knowledge of how to do anything. So, I threw up something simple yet very unappealing to the eye and the mouse. So after alot of work, and I mean countless hours of working out how tables work and such I finally came up with a template that pleases all. Its the suggestions on this board that I took most to heart. Alot of you unfamiliar with web design may think "Well, its easy isn't it?". Well, no not at forst but when every link you have goes to a seperate page you have 50 pages that you have to individually make to look somewhat the same. So, check it out if you can. I have a new interview with Joey Belladonna there in the interviews section and one with Nightwish I will be doing on 08/25/04. We also are giving away the CD by Dreamscape called "End Of The Silence". Just click on the "Free CD" button. September 1st is the deadline so we can get it to you BEFORE Progpower. Take care and please let me know how you like it!.