Metalfest Vienna ?

Ich schätz mal dass dieser Thread eh keinen nicht deutsch-sprachigen interessiert, drum schreib ich auf Deutsch:
Laut Amon Amarth Hp sind sie für das Metalfest gebucht, der Tag steht aber dort nicht. Vielleicht findest dus ja raus wenn die Frage im Gästebuch auf stellst oder dorthin ein Email schreibst!

grtz, Head
It completely stuns me that -- after screwing over at least 4,891,726 bands in the black and death metal genre -- Alex Wank persists in being a part of this scene!

AA should ask for Traveler's Cheques (or, at the very least, large tubes of KY) before journeying to WIEN for this event!
TexunNYC said:
It completely stuns me that -- after screwing over at least 4,891,726 bands in the black and death metal genre -- Alex Wank persists in being a part of this scene!

AA should ask for Traveler's Cheques (or, at the very least, large tubes of KY) before journeying to WIEN for this event!

If you are thinking about travelling to vienna for the METALFEST check out the homepage form more details on bands that are playing.
(If you don't understand german just browse around a bit, I'm sure you'll find the information you need)

grtz, HEad