Metalhead from Ny


Jul 29, 2007
Hey, I’m Amanda; I’m originally from NY now living right outside the border in NJ.
I’m really here because I’m interested in learning about bands I haven’t heard of. I’m always looking out for new music to listen to and enjoy. Basically I love all kinds of metal, although I am partial to death and/or thrash. I’m a pretty big fan of 80’s glam metal as well. Some of my favorite bands would be Cryptopsy, Kataklysm, Dimmu Borgir, Suffocation, Amon Amarth, CoB, Dragonforce, Iron Maiden, Dokken, Def Leppard, and even some Stryper[as cheesy as they are] :p

Other than that I like to play music and compose it. I play guitar, keyboards, classical piano, a bit of the drums, and am currently working on buying a violin so I can learn that. I really also would like to learn about upcoming concerts to my area, for some reason I always miss the good concerts :/

I’m really not sure what else to say about myself, so I’ll shut up before I start rambling about pointless shit.

Hey to You All