Metalhead Pianist


Some Kinda Keyboardist
Oct 10, 2009
Fairfax, VA
I have my doubts many people are going to read this, but what is the worst that will happen? I meet someone?

SUP METAL FORUM. I am a pianist/keyboardist/decent drummer/mediocre guitarist/composer/arranger/sound op/local crew from Northern Virginia. In case the previous sentence did not give this away, I LOVE music. Especially metal, but I can get into all kinds of other stuff.

I'm currently stuck at a community college, and I'm trying to get out and go to conservatories or something and study composition. I realize it will be a useless degree, but I find that if I want to be taken seriously in the world, I need to pay some absurd amount of money to some institution and show people my receipt, er "diploma", so I can get a decent-paying job or something. If wherever I go allows it, I will tack on Music Education to the composition stuffs.

I posted in the "musicians-seeking-musicians" thread, but I'll say it here too. I'm a keyboardist looking to join any sort of metal band in the Northern Virginia area. However, if you want someone to hold down a string-synth chord for five minutes while you shred, look elsewhere. I've been playing for 15 years now, and I intend to use that talent onstage.

Bands I really like: Alestorm, Alice Cooper, Amon Amarth, Apothys, Avantasia, Baroness, Blue Man Group, Devin Townsend, Dream Theater, Edenbridge, Edguy, Epica, Epicurean, Falkenbach, Graveworm, Hammerfall, Kamelot, Keldian, Nevermore, Nightwish, Opeth, Porcupine Tree, Shadow Gallery, Stratovarius, Symphony X.

So hello, see you at Jaxx, and hope I don't make an idiot out of myself too much!

EDIT: Holy dicks, this is way longer than everyone else's. IDIOT OF SELF MADE!

The length is ok, the reason other posts are shorter is because they don't have much to say.