Metalheads HELP!!!!


Best Album of the Year
Dec 13, 2002
Olympia, WA
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Ok, i have a project due tomorrow that is my final project for the year. IT's for my sociology class, and i am presenting on the metal community, what it's like, and what stereotypes are seen from outside and inside the metal community. What i need from you:
1) What you feel makes metal a community
2) What stereotypes you see within the community
3) what false stereotypes people outside the community see
4) Any prejudices you have encountered from people outside the metal community
5) Any stereotypes within specific sub-genre's of the metal community.
6) Anything else that will help!!!
I appreciate any help, and beg that you respond as soon as possible as i only have about 30 hours until my presentation. Thanks in advance.


ps i am posting this on a few different boards to get different perspectives. Thanks again.
1) What you feel makes metal a community
Unity, running away from stereotypes and judgements.

2) What stereotypes you see within the community
The worst one are that metaklheads have towards eachother, i.e. death metal fans see prog/power bands as "gay" (remember the Hammerfall incident, with Joacim Cans earning a few stitches on th head?) Sorry, but I can't think of any intolerance from prog/power/heavy fans towards black/death fans, except maybe "that's not singing!!!"

3) what false stereotypes people outside the community see
Here's an example of my maths teacher who clearly told me he doesn't like me because of the clothes I wear and my behaviour. (just to note it: I'm very quiet in class, don't disturb others and if i don't pay attention, i just write something else in the notebook). Thus, to this day I don't have the grades I deserve. Same happened with my physics teacher, and the biology tecaher, who instantly didn't believe me when I said I wasn't a smoker nor an alcoholic. Why didn't she believe me? because of who I am. A metalhead.

4) Any prejudices you have encountered from people outside the metal community
"She's a metalhead, she smokes, drinks, does drugs and will never become anything but that." The thing is, most people don't even realise that the same metalheads they judge get into really good and hard colledges, that they study hard and that they mostly end up as successful people,w ho lerned how to fight for themselves and not to rely on anyone else's help.

5) Any stereotypes within specific sub-genre's of the metal community.
I alread mentioned them.

6) Anything else that will help!!!
There's a stereotype that all (or most) metal women are bithces or sluts who want nothing but guys with long hair, a band and the sex, drugs & rock'n'roll philosophy.

Hope I was on time?
1) What you feel makes metal a community

The gathering of people who believe that one music is good, that one colour of clothes, underwear and everything is one, and so on...

2) What stereotypes you see within the community

Its devided to those who only dress and listens to music and to ones that do not dress but knows everything about music and celebrities

3) what false stereotypes people outside the community see

People who simply torment us, thinks they're better and thinks we envy them

4) Any prejudices you have encountered from people outside the metal community
really no, but I think its because I really do not look like a typical metalhead, no long hair, no black clothes or heavy navy boots while its 30'C outside. But always if my friends points out that I might be listening to "my music" some shitty words come out of their mouths :D

5) Any stereotypes within specific sub-genre's of the metal community.

Look before, really no clue to turn them out

6) Anything else that will help!!!
Stereotypes of "live fast, die young", "fast cars, fast women", every metalhead is a burglar and fathers of all women are pimps

Long live metal, fuck the rest :D