metalist festival


New Metal Member
Aug 20, 2004
I’m photographing the Metalist Festival in Tel Aiv for a magazine feature. As well as the festival I want to shoot some portraits of different metal fans in the area. I’m there all next week and wanting to shoot both Israeli and Palestinian fans. I’ve got some contacts there already but if anyone knows anyone…. Big thanks to anyone that can help.
Hey mate ! welcome in !
Im really glad to hear about your plan!! sounds really good, I hope there`ll be there as many palestinian fans as possible :) that would be great !!
I just hope this week will be calm and no one will blow himself because otherwise the access from the pal` cities to tel aviv will be closed :-/
Welcome Muir :wave:
That's really a great thought, well done!!! I'm sure that all israeli and palestinian brothers and sisters will gladly help to your uniting cause...peace!!! :worship:
Hey guys, I know Pal' fans could be nice and shit..... but I was yet to spot any around lately.... ok? Does any of you know any pal' fans, saw such a fan or even heard about one?
there was one guy from eastern jerusalem I think, kobi met him or talked to him somewhere and he came for one of the shows. there are also a few Jordanian fans and as you know 73% of the jordanian population are palestinians :) (I never met any pal` fans from the west band tho)
I wish I had known about this! I am from Holland and came to Israel to meet up with my new Israeli friends and see OL play. I'm the blonde who was taking pictures during the show and I think I saw you again today when I as walking with Kobi in the street where he lives.
Good luck with the article an please tell me when it will be in the paper, because I want to get me a copy for sure!

Folklore said:
and welcome in McDick !!
you`re from my area how come I never seen you around...? :err:
Actually I was Beorn Of Mythodevil but then I changed my nickname
I think I even had you on the icq at some point....

THank you all guys... the show was great. Really. Cant wait for Sukkot for the OL Bar Mitzva movie in the Haifa movie fest...
Folklore said:
there was one guy from eastern jerusalem I think, kobi met him or talked to him somewhere and he came for one of the shows. there are also a few Jordanian fans and as you know 73% of the jordanian population are palestinians :) (I never met any pal` fans from the west band tho)
Yes etnically the Jordanians are palestinians
But Palestinian metalheads were yet to be seen.... I heard about some Naharian band with one of the vocalists is actually a chrisitian arab. His name is Sammy i think....
paradoxile said:
like Avi said...let's hope no-one decided to blow himself up
It didnt happen on the fest
But Beer Sheva was shaken from edge to edge a few days ago... my condolences to the families and recuperation regards to the wounded

ps. sorry to post 3 times in a row, i just aint used to do it otherwise :)