Metalium Chapter 8 Grounded (amazing)


Feb 28, 2008
Columbus GA
I just got an import of the new Metalium album Chapter 8 Grounded, and I have to say it's very very good, I would love to see this band come to america soon. I have been a big fan of Metalium since the begining. this is the album lineup


here's a song to check out if you have never heard the new album yet

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Oh yeah!!! Some new Metalium! Awesome! I still need to get one through three on CD. I have all the others, except, of course, this new one (although I have all of them as MP3s). Just saw that this is available on eMusic! Still got 15 credits to use up, so guess what I am going to use them up on!
I loved Part 6. part 7 felt like a compilation of B-sides and left overs. I am hoping this one goes in the route of part 6. This band never seems to get the love they deserve.

I'll have to go back and listen to Part 6 again (been a little while) and than this one to compare. I do kinda agree with you somewhat about 7, although I still very much enjoyed it. From what I've heard thus far off the samples on eMusic, I am really liking this one, perhaps better than 7. Will have to give it a full listen before I can definitively say.

EDIT! Awww shit - I forgot, my file server is currently shut down. Needed to shut it down and move it so the work crew could get at and replace that window in that room (getting all new windows, doors and siding installed on this house). I guess no Metalium goodness tonight, then. (grrrr).
This is good. Dark and evil. The opening track needs to go. What is it... 'we are heavy metal and if you don't like it fuck off?' Okay. They can keep it. Henne rules more on this than his other album this year. He seems more comfortable going through all of his arsenal.

Liking this, any recommendations of other bands I should check out?
Finally got this CD... it rules! Can't recommend it more!!!
It was great to meet Henning at PP VIII, as I have been a fan of his since the first Metalium album.

Damn, I needed some ass-kicking real heavy metal and Metalium delivers again!!