Metallica at the MTV Video Music Awards


Master Exploder

Posted by Inter Sandman @ Thursday, August 28, 2003 11:09 PM EST

MTV asked them two weeks ago to pay tribute to 20 Years of MTV at this year - and the world's most famous cover band obliged.

Metallica had 90 seconds - and paid an instrumental tribute to Lenny Kravitz' 'Are you Gonna Go My Way,' The White Stripes' '7 Nation Army,' Michael Jackson's 'Beat It' (which is a very cool riff!), Nirvana's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' and concluded with just a bit of the one of MTV's finest moments: Enter Sandman.

The guys came back and played Frantic, afterwards the band was interviewed by the iconic Kurt Loder where the guys named a few songs that missed the medley - including Ricky Martin, Rage Against the Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Billy Idol and others.


I really wanna hear this, but it isn't on Kazaa yet.