METALLICA Could Write And Record New Music This Fall, Says LARS ULRICH


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
In a new interview with NME, METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich was asked if he and his bandmates have found the coronavirus lockdown period creatively productive. He responded: “I'm not sure — it's not easy, but we've been doing what we can. We've been exchanging ideas back and forth. "The hardest thing about being in four different spaces is that there's no software that can have us all play in real time to reach other. So I can play something and send it to the next guy and then he can play on it and he can send it to the next guy, or vice versa, but we can't play at the same time so it takes the impulsivity and the momentary energy out of the occasion. "I've talked to some people in technology about how close we are to being able to all play in real time with each other, but that hasn't been cracked yet," he continued. "If it is, we'll maximize it, but for now, we're in this bubble for a couple of weeks, and we're looking forward to seeing if at some point this fall, we can get back into another bubble where we write and play and maybe even record — so we're looking forward to the possibilities on that one." Asked when fans can expect new METALLICA music, Ulrich said: "Not soon enough! Right now, I'd say the hardest thing about all this is trying to plan, because five minutes later, those plans change — that's just the nature of the state of the world at the moment and we're going to have to accept and surrender to it. I think it's a good reminder of the fragility of the world and how maybe we should occasionally pause and be a little bit more respectful and appreciative of what we have and understand how quickly it can derail in terms of how we arrogantly expect everything to be way we wanted as a human race." In early May, the four members of METALLICA overcame social distancing to record a new version of their song "Blackened", with each member separated in his own home. The split-screen video was posted to the band's social media channels. On Saturday night (August 29), METALLICA broadcast a show to hundreds of drive-in and outdoor theaters across the U.S. and Canada, as part of the "Encore Drive-In Nights" series. The concert was filmed nearly three weeks earlier, on August 10, at the Gundlach Bundschu winery, about a 30-minute car ride from the band's headquarters in San Rafael, California, and was subsequently edited and mixed by the band's award-winning production team to the highest standards possible. Last month, METALLICA took part in an interview and short performance on "The Howard Stern Show".

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