Metallica Live

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Well since the whole of the Rock Am Ring performance is available in reasonable quality I skipped through a fair bit of it though not all. At times I was thinking the performance is really quite good and then there were so many other occasions where it just sounded awkward with really bad dirty guitar tone. Hetfield's voice seems in much worse shape than when I saw Metallica live a few years ago now as well. He's still the tight as hell riffmaster general but the live guitar sound is far too raw for my taste. Lars gets a hell of a lot of shit for his drumming but to be honest he doesn't sound that bad to me. There's far too much shit talked about him. He ain't noticeably bad to me. He plays the songs as expected like on the records. He puffs a little of course but he's packing a few years. The worst thing about a modern metallica show seems to be the rough sound and Hetfield's bad whiny vocals which are almost Mustaine level bad - almost. Hammett's solos annoy me a little as they all sound the same but they are still better than Slayer's at least. I can't hear any bass so no point talking about Rob. The show seems ok but I don't think I would pay big money to see Metallica anymore. Maiden's performance at Rock Am Ring was much much better although they did look very old too but I still prefer Maiden by a million miles. They still play better and Bruce's voice is pretty solid though when he warms up after a song or two. Metallica sounds too garagey and raw. Having said that Hetfield loves a facemelting riff and the 2 hour plus show packs plenty of them. Maybe if I was in the front row and had a few beers inside me I'd think this was the best show ever who knows!

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Ya know, I got a DVD of one of their Mexico shows as a X-mas present last year, and I thought they sounded pretty decent all things considered. The set list was solid (LOT of Ride the Lightning material) and the band was tight. James sounded OK (as OK as ever anyway)...... Sure, they will never be what they were 20 years ago, but for the old timers that they are it was still a good showing!
Ya know, I got a DVD of one of their Mexico shows as a X-mas present last year, and I thought they sounded pretty decent all things considered. The set list was solid (LOT of Ride the Lightning material) and the band was tight. James sounded OK (as OK as ever anyway)...... Sure, they will never be what they were 20 years ago, but for the old timers that they are it was still a good showing!

i find it hard to believe lars was tight, dude has literally forgotten how to play the drums :lol: