Metallica-Reading-end of an era?


Hair Metal
Mar 17, 2003
'Astinz innit. Yoo kay.
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as some of you may know metalica are playing reading festival this year (UK) and whilst i have jumped st the chance to see them there is something distinctly wrong.

they are playing alongside such shit as linkin park, blink 182 and sum 41.

this is attrocious, and it marks the end of an era in my eyes, metallica and pop music should never be so close.

weak, if there last couple of albums were the death of metallica then this is the final nail in the coffin.

or not.
i don't see what the big deal is: metallica are way more popular than sum 41, for instance, and have been way more popular than blink182. moreover, you're comparing bands that have a lot in common. blink182 have been putting out poorly-received, underground records for a long time before they reached popularity, much like metallica did.
i could easily see a similar post as yours on a punk board, switching the names of the bands. in the eyes of someone who's a fan of a specific style, bands in the genre he likes are always "good acts gone bad" while the others are merely "shit" regardless of their past. who did you think metallica would have been touring with?

the point was that the rest were pop bands, a scene i would hope metallica never encroach on.
i see this as an opening for metallica to make it bigger than ever, and subsequently stop making the albums i and many others loved, hence 'end of an era'.

this is not another 'sell out' post. they have no point and as you rightly state can be reversed depending on your musical inclinations.

metallica's past touring cant be lambasted as they used to open for Venom!
i see nu-metal, pop-punk and whatever it is sum 41 do (that i happen to like a tad better than the other bands mentioned, btw) appealing to the same target and trying to draw in the same crowd. even non-mainstream bands are helping these styles collapse onto each other. it stands to reason that they would tour together. metallica are possibly about to try their hand with a similar formula. i wouldn't be surprised. any creative vein they might have had has been dead for years, any new direction is obviously going to be based on marketing choices.

i agree but do you think this is a trend that could spread to more 'extreme' forms of metal?
i get the feeling that inflames are going to go mainstream and bands like opeth and soilwork have it in them to do so. i hope to god they dont. mainstream influence on underground music is almost always adverse.
in flames are skating on thin ice with all the nu-metal influences, although i don't think they did that on purpose or were even aware of the implications (but i only say this because of personal opinions i collected from a friend who knows the bandmembers quite well...). and yes, i think they might try with the mainstream.
soilwork have been slightly wiser, imo, but i have to admit i find the whole scene in the area rapidly getting stale. what was perceived as new and fresh three years ago (melodic death metal with clean vox parts and mellow riffs) is a stereotype already, and bands turn to tried formulas because there's nothing much to say in this style anymore, at least for now unless someone surprises everybody by coming up with the new and unexpected.
as for opeth, i cannot really say because i don't listen to them. as far as i know, though, they seem to be willing to try diverse solutions, if the latest stuff is anything to go by.

blink 182 is still the shittiest band in existence. im so sick of everybody walking up to me and saying "how can you not like blink man? they have the best drummer in the world!!!" :puke:
Nogie said:
Just a question. What is SO WRONG with mainstream music?

absolutely nothing. i just used it as a way to compare mostly unknown acts with popular bands. then there is the fact that alot of bands that go from nothing to instant success are tailor-made by the music industry to match the requirements of the laziest part of the public. as you know, i enjoy a lot of mainstream bands (not pop, maybe, 'cause it's not my style, but whatever), still i think i can set apart those who suck by those who don't.

Who the fuck cares if In Flames or any other band for that matter, goes mainstream? I couldn't care less if they are. What's important is if I like the music or not.

i think we were implying they start doing something very un-creative because record sales suggest they do. of course if they become popular because all of a sudden ppl start loving the jester race, there can be nothing wrong in this.

They can do it for the money too, but if it's good then who cares?

there is at times a connection between doing it for the money and not doing good music, just that.

the point was that, if you had read my posts, that i view the mainstream as the prefabricated section of music and pop, imo, is about sales and hitting the right demographics, not any actual point or feeling.

nu-metal, pop punk and so on are the cross overs of what I FEEL to be the most emotive and,dare i say it, true form of contemporory music into this realm.

popular does not equate to mainstream.
factory made and 'safe' does.
when an underground (opposite to what i have just defined) artist or group becomes mainstream they obviously loose the original feeling and integrity. becoming popular is normally but not always just a steping stone to mainstream.
to be honest, much as I hate them, Blink and SUM 41 aren't really pop bands. Sure, they're mainstream but then who can blame them? They get money doing what they love, and so long as they don't sell out and turn into losers like "Busted"
/me shudders at Busted
Let the bands do whatever they want, just as long as they sound good.