Metallica shreds.

Hahahaha. Seen this one before. They (the creators) did a whole series of these. Funny and very clever.

James vocals are a pisser !!! hahaha. That drum bit from Lars at the end is a scream.
I assume, Dougal, that most of your 788 posts are like this one: exclamation marks, smileys and no substance? "Ted, ya big bollocks. FECK OFF."
Just shows you how fucking ignorant you are. How long did it take you to think of the Father Ted comebacks. Dude, just fucking chill.

Jeez, some people just take things too serious. :lol:

And just for you dude. !!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::erk::headbang::loco::cry::puke::heh::Smug::):mad::cool::ill::oops::OMG:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh dude. Just out of interest I thought I'd view someof your other posts here, to see where your 5000 posts have come from, and I see you've been on the Opeth board. :lol::lol::lol:

But I was shocked to find this little gem, just showing how fucking ignorant you REALLY are.

Fuck that carry on, the IRA or UVF might blow them up. I've never been to Ireland, and that's why. The cunts are too busy blowing each other up and killing civilians to know what day of the week it is.

Yes, I know most Irish people aren't involved, but still, I'd rather not take the chance. There's a massive number of Irish idiots travel over to Scotland every weekend to support Rangers or Celtic, and it's all down to the troubles which have never went away. Do you not have OIRISH football teams? Why get a boat and buses to come and see a team in another country? Support your local team!

If I was in Opeth I wouldn't go to Oireland Oither.

Maybe if you took the trouble to visit IRELAND, you'd find the truth. Are you so fucking narrow minded that you still believe the shit other countries are force fed by the fucking media about Ireland? Get a fucking grip, get a fucking life and stop wasting my fucking time with your inane ramblings. I'm not even going to waste my fucking time on you.
So true Col, What sort of idiot judges a counrty in the stuff he has read in the IRA statement...just proves what a prick he is...I went to Dublin last year (or maybe the year before...its hard to remember after having a few "quiet" beers with the locals....Best place I have ever been, though a bit expensive (thats why u have to smuggle booze into clubs, and drink your own stuff)....Anyways....I would advise everyone to ingore this racist prick, and go to Ireland.

BTW Col...Nice to hear from ya...hope your ok...and have a Merry Xmas.

\M/:) \M/
Same to you Paul. Maybe one of these days I'll get across to Bournemouth, or next time Thrax come to Ireland, you'll come over to Dublin again. ;)

I was in Ireland back in October, had a fucking blast, I can't wait to get back there again. I saw a really good Rory Gallagher cover band while I was over there too down in Cork.