Metallica to play Ireland in 2006


Formerly Ulster Mosher.
For those of you interested, Irish radio station 2FM are about to announce just after 10pm GMT, that Metallica are to play only two shows in Europe this year, and one of them is to include Ireland. I reckon they must be down to play Slane Castle this year, the same venue that Guns N Roses, U2 and Madonna have headlined in recent years. Usually 90,000 go to this festival every year. Will keep you all posted. James Hetfield is to go live on the air just after 10pm. I know I bash them on here, but this could have the possibilities of being one the BIGGEST Metal events in Europe this year, if they pick the right lineup, and Metallica give the other acts a half decent sound.
Well, its not Slane. Details from the website. :

Metallica In Ireland 2006 - The Details...

Right, ready then?
Aiken Promotion Presents
RDS Arena
Sunday 11 June 2006
On sale Thursday 16 February at 9am
Seated 75.00 / 65.00 / 54.50 Euros
General Admission 64.50 Euros

Unless they've got some killer support, I don't reckon I'll be there this year. They've sucked the past two times they've played the RDS, and last time they gave Slipknot the shittiest sound I'd ever heard a band have. And at 64.50 euros for a ticket, they can go a fuck themselves. PAH!!!!!!!!
The 2nd and only other European date for 2006 is DONINGTON!!!!!!. How many times can one fucking band play Donington. I hope Lars gets sick again. Bring in Charlie this time to replace him. At least 2FM chose to play Fade to Black. YYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! :headbang: I still ain't going though, unless they get Thrax for support.
ahh man cant believe they are only doing download this year, not massively fussed but would have defo seen em in london, cant be fucked to hike up to donnington tho, esp when the other acts confirmed are The Prodigy , Trivium and Bullet For My Valentine.......... 140 quid for a weeeknd ticket?!!?!?! fuck off.........let the kids ask their parents for the ticket money, i aint spending that amount of cash on a teen rock festival
I saw them when they played Download here a couple of years ago, it was a pretty good show (until they played St Anger) i really enjoyed it until I broke my wrist... If they were playing Glasgow i'd probably go see them for old times sake but no chance i'll pay that kinda money to sit in a smelly field watching bands like Korn....
I think I might stay at home that weekend. £115 + parking + camping = SHIT. All that money to watch some bands play in a field, fuck that, I am seeing Anthrax twice for about £35 and will have a great time.
Gibba said:
64.50 euros for a GA ticket. That's just crazy. The show will sell out straight away though. Ming boggling.
I doubt very much that it will sell out straight away. The last two shows at the RDS have still had tickets available on the day, but if it doesn't sell out, it will be pretty dran close. Not a bad pay day for them.
In fairness to Metallica at least they're playin fucking Ireland (third time in as many years), i've been so fuckin pissed at the lack of acts hittin these shores recently, Motorhead, COC, An-fucking-thrax......... and am just glad that i'll get to see some sort of show this year. Granted they aint been at their best of late but they still put on a better show than most in my opinion.
well this thread has been up for a few days now and I still have not put in my usual "Fuck Lars" two cents. SSoooooo

Fuck you lars you fucking fuck.

That is all.