Metallica Tomorrow!!!

i would go to a Metallica show everyday if i could. The new Death Magnetic material has been well practised now, so its sounding real good. Hetfields voice may not be perfect anymore, but he convinced me when i saw them last November that METALLICA STILL KICKS FUCKING ASS!:kickass:
I would liked to have gone as i love Metallica but cant afford it n tbh i dont enjoy the new album that much i just cant get into it so i will wait till they tour n play more of a selection of other albums
thats probably a good thing when you think about it, to have a new album that they're proud of so they actually play songs from it.

some bands only play 1 song from new albums and just play older more popular stuff, which i figured was a show of how confident that particular band was with their new effort.

oh how i wish newstead would be playing.
Newstead was great in his younger days with Metallica.

Trujillo has been winning my respect more lately, he adds energy to the show and he has motivated them into going for the long arrangements again. In a recent interview he said Lars and him have already been jamming on some new thrashy riffs.
as far as i know they only play about 3 from the new album, i only like about 1 and a half of them, so i can handle that.

They play five from the new album

the first three off the album, day that never comes, and cyanide

or at least that was the trend in the north american shows

edit: Trujillo is pretty cool to watch on stage, because he's having fun, and he doesn't try to be the macho metal viking god that jason was.
i just got back from metallica at nottingham arena an fuck they was good tonight. really good set list an loads of pyro and they played very good nice an tight. the in the round stage is so much better than a traditional kinda stage. machine head was great too. your in for a real treat matt enjoy it
Have fun man! I'm jealous. I'll definitely be going when they come to New Zealand hopefully later on this year. :kickass:

Damaged Justice Tour. I'd kill to have been there. I wasn't even alive. :lol:

:worship: James Hetfield.
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