searching Journalists


The Metal Missionary
Jul 6, 2003
Hi, fellow metalheadz!

Are you willing, perhaps, to do the entire metal world a favour?
Nothing you won't enjoy; I'm thinking interviews with your favourite metal acts concerning albums they are soon to release, prelistenings, backstage passes - all that which comes with the profession a journalist at a metal webzine.

With in soon will be launched a huge project that is a metal community + webzine. The site is done, and I have only got some paperwork and financial agreements to take care of before I am ready to start it all up.

For those of you who aren't accustomed to webzines, there are some slight differences between a webzine and a printed magazine.
First of all, we don't hand out one bunch of articles every month or something, but publish every article as it's done. This will keep us much more up-2-date than a common magazine, but also, it is a privilege for the author, thou he no longer has no deadlines to worry about. Of course, if it concerns a prelistening or anything such, it is still a good idea if the article is published some time before the album is released.
Moreover, we are not bound to a number of pages. If you write a long article, we will not have to cut it into pieces to find space for it as we publish it. Nor do we require you to write incredibly long articles just to fill empty space. As long as you write a good article, and all worth saying is said, the amount of words doesn't really matter.

For more information, please see
There you will also find the ability to submit your interest to become a writer to our database.

Thanks for your time,
David Hedlund