

Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Best cartoon ever.....!!! :headbang:

Look it up on Adult Swim.

Hilarious look at the life of a Heavy Metal band.
then you're missing out... search on youtube.

Fantastic show.
aliasp said:
Best cartoon ever.....!!! :headbang:

Look it up on Adult Swim.

Hilarious look at the life of a Heavy Metal band.

It is pretty funny. I only caught the one about the birthday gift because my DVR is being retarded right now, but it was good. I found it because of watching Family Guy on Adult Swim.
Metalocalypse is Brutal. I like how they have given nods to other death/black metal bands. Last night episode they went to Gorgoroth's appliances. I forget but it said Gorgoroth. and King Diamond did a voice over on the troll episode.
Watched another episode last night with a mate.

The 2nd one where they re-re-re-re-record their album in the ocean. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!