Metropolis the movie vs. Towers of Avarice


Tyrant in Distress
I'm curious if you based Towers of Avarice on the early silent sci-fi movie Metropolis. There are a bunch of similarities in the story, but enough differences to make me wonder if you did it intentionally. For example, both are based on futuristic societies where slaves labor underground to drive industry. What say ye? Was it your inspiration, or is it just sheer dumb luck that the stories are similar?

Btw, Towers of Avarice has taken my #2 all-time CD spot away from Dreaming Neon Black, but I doubt it'll take #1 away from Twisted Into Form. Every time I listen to the CD I love it more and more.
Right on brotha, that kicks ass!!!! As for the storym I don't know if Erik got a vibe from that movie or not, we'll have to ask him. I believe we were asked that question in a interview before. I will try and digit out and get you the answer Erik said. If I don't find it, maybe Erik could get on here one day and answer.
