Mexican Metal Fans Clash With 'Emos'

It sounds funny, but it's really not cool to fight people for no reason. The only time they deserve to be punched is when they act like dumbasses at metal shows.
I'm not a fan of emo at all, but I find this to be rather retarded. "Gee guys, lets all gang up on that guy because of his looks!". Stupid reason to start incident, and fucking narrow minded. Gives us regular metalheads a pretty discriminating name.
I'm not a fan of emo at all, but I find this to be rather retarded. "Gee guys, lets all gang up on that guy because of his looks!". Stupid reason to start incident, and fucking narrow minded. Gives us regular metalheads a pretty discriminating name.

Stupid fuckers. Those emo's are probably just kids trying to find their way in life. Some of them might even end up metalheads when they "grow up", but I guess that won't happen after being beaten up by a few hundred metal morons :p

Well, like Delta said, shit like this gives metalheads a bad name. And not bad as in "tr00 evil" but as in "fucking retarded".