Mic for upfront voice as in Webisodes/VLogs?


knows what you think.
Sep 30, 2002
I'm looking for a mic that I could use with my Cam as I'm planning to record and edit some custom videos and I'd like it to have that upfront voice of the person onscreen live, so no dubbing whatsoever.

It should also not be visible, so any mini mic attached to clothes etc is out of the question.

And anything without the need of an assistant.

Suggestions or is that by default impossible to do? :lol:

Dunno, basically I just don't want too much roomsound or maybe there is a way to cleverly EQ afterwards so the voice seems more upfront and dry?
Haha, pure luck I suppose! ATM I'm just killing time until lunch, sitting at my compy shredding the riffz on my Ibanez and periodically breaking to refresh the page (hey, it makes me happy! :D)
whoa that looks hella cheap but might do the trick.

btw, every time I see your avatar I'm reminded of this:

Hahaha, I dunno what game that's from, but it's badass as hell! And yeah, I'd think the Samson would work fine; it's not like you need amazing quality for recording speech!

And I love the image of an SM7 dangling from someone's shirt :lol:
Indeed, I was thinking about getting a husky or border collie myself but both are fucking exhausting and time-consuming (my sis has german shephard which I take care of at times and whoa....)
Yeah dude, you're talking like the top-3 working dog breeds, they were bred to have an absurd amount of energy, so they need so much exercise or they get stir-crazy and agitated (and sometimes aggressive) - I love 'em too, but they're just not a good idea for pets IMO!
What can I say, I have a habit of skimming. :lol:

Huskies are awesome!

I have three Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Cool little dogs! They bark like crazy though. They are funny looking with their short legs and chubby cylindrical mid-sections. :lol:

Not mine:


Yeah dude, you're talking like the top-3 working dog breeds, they were bred to have an absurd amount of energy, so they need so much exercise or they get stir-crazy and agitated (and sometimes aggressive) - I love 'em too, but they're just not a good idea for pets IMO!

Yeah I know, I spend a lot of time with dogs and I wouldn't want a "pet-dog" anyways, I live in an area where I'd need a dog to get me up from the chair anyways :lol:

But Border Collies are just nuts, that's too fucking much :lol:
And I don't own any sheep